Coming Home Early

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I'm still in Texas I'm leaving at January 15 now is January 6
This morning my mom send me to buy something from the store.
I go there and started shopping few minutes later I saw a man who looked really familiar he turned around and I had a better view of his face I was shocked to see my dad!! I haven't seen him in years I thought he have more years in jail I started panicking I decided to call Lexi.
I was at Starbucks with my friends Natalie and Kaylene when Andrew called me
L:Hey did something happened?
A:I'm-I'm at the s-store a-and I saw m-my dad
A:I'm panicking
I could hear him breathing faster
L:Okay Andrew I want you to come down and breathe
He started breathing normally again
A:Anyways what are you doing?
L:I'm just out with Natalie and Kaylene
A:Oh cool!What are you wearing?
L:*laughs* One a white crop top and jeans
A:Babe it's cold outside I don't want you to get sick
L:I'm wearing one of your hoodies to keep me warmer
A:Oh okay
L:Anyways babe I have to go I'll call you later
A:Okay bye love you
L:Bye love you too
I'm planning to come home early because I miss Lexi so much.
I booked a flight for Sunday at 10:30pm and got home.

Today I'm leaving for Huntington I can't wait to see Lexi tomorrow.
I told everyone from the squad that I'm coming home early except Lexi.
I packed my things my mom dropped me at the airport and got on the plane.Few hours later I was in Huntington I called Danny to come and pick me up.
A:Yo Danny
D:Yo Randy
A:Can you come and pick me up from the airport
D:Sure man I'll be there in a few.
Few minutes later he came and drived me home.

I woke up early this morning due the sound of the birds fighting outside.
I looked at my phone and saw that I have message from Brent saying
"I told Lexi that we'll film a video where you have to guess what's infront of you and in one of the rounds you can be infront of her and you can surprise her like that"
I told him that's a great idea I got up showered,brushed my teeth.
I decided to wear white tank top,white jeans,white shirt that will be like a jacket and white air forces.
I did my hair and go to buy a bouquet of white roses.
At 12:10pm I was at the Amp house I walked in and I saw Jeremy,Dom,Pierson and Liv.
A:Yoo Guys!!
I said whispering so Lexi can't hear me.
P&Lv&Db&Jh:Yoo Randy
They said whispering back
P:When it's Lexi's turn again you'll go there
Few minutes later we heard Brent saying "Okay Lexi it's your turn again"
We all walked in and I saw Lexi with a blindfold on she was wearing an orange top and white jeans.
Br:Okay Lexi can you guess what's infront of you I'll give you a hint it's something that you love so much.

She started touching me because that's how the game works.
Her hands were moving all around my body.
Lr:Brent can you give me a hint?*laughs*
Br:Nope *laughs*
Lr:Ugh well I'm giving up I don't know what it is
Br:Are you sure?
Lr:I'm positive
Br:Okay well take your blindfold off!
She took her blindfold off and when she saw me she was shocked
A:Surprise!!! *smiles*
She hugged me tight and I picked her up hugging her.
Lr:I missed you
A:I missed you more
We kissed and later we left the house.

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