"I Promise"

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A week have passed and no one found me yet everyday Andrew's dad will come and r*pe me I feel so disgusting I just wish that's a dream and someone will come and wake me up.
But sadly it's not.
A week have passed we still can't find Lexi who knows what that mother fucker is doing to her. One day the police said that a woman called and said that she saw a suspicious man dragging a girl into his van she said that the girl was short with blonde hair that was definitely Lexi. She told the police the number of the van and now they're searching for a bus with the same exact number. Few days pass and they found the van they followed the van and the police officers found the address.
Me,Brent,Bryce and Blake drived to the location we arrived and saw an old building.
Br:You guys ready to go in there?
Bc:The police are on their way here.
We walked in the building.
My dad walked out of one room.
B:Well,well,well what do we have here?
Bc(Bryce):What did you do to our sister?!?
B:Oh nothing much.
I walked up to him and grabbed him by his shirt.
A:You son of a bitch if you even touched her you're dead!!
B:What If I did more than that?*smirks*
That's where I losted I pushed him so hard in a wall and the wall breaks.
Br:Andrew ay go find her we'll handle that ass hole.
I walked around the building and finnaly found her she was asleep on the cold floor. She was looking really bad she had bruises on her face her clothes were ripped in some places.
I walked to her and tried to pick her up.
L:No,no,no please don't hurt me!
A:Lex it's me I'm not going to hurt you.
She opened her eyes.
A:Hey let's get you out of here.
I picked her up she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist and buried her head in my neck.I walked out of the building and saw the police talking with Brent,Bryce and Blake. My dad was already in the police car.
Brent turned around and saw me with Lexi in my arms.
He runned to us.
Br:Omg Lexi are you okay? Did he do something to you?
He didn't received an answer.
Br:Andrew is she okay why is she not answering?
A:I don't know she looked really scared. When I walked in the room where she was I found her asleep on the cold floor,she had bruises on her face,her clothes were ripped in some places. Anyways what's happening with that bitch in the cop car?
Br:This time he us going in jail for the rest of his life.
A:Perfect! I'll go and put Lexi in the car and then I'll come back.
I walked to the car and sat her on the backseat. I was about to go to the others when she spoke.
Lr:Don't leave me again please.
A:I'll come back In a second, okay?
I said caressing her cheek.
I go to the cop car and opened the door.
B:Are you coming to save me? *smiles creepy*
I didn't answer I just punched him hard.
A:That's what you're getting for touching my girl.
With that I slammed the car door and go to Brent's car and sat next to Lexi.
A:Hey Lex I'm back.
I sat her on my lap and hugged her.
I putted my hand on her waist but she flinched.
A:I'm sorry.
She then started crying.
A:Shhhh shhhh it's okay Lex you're safe with me now.
Few minutes later the others got in the car.
Br:Lex are you okay?
Bc:Did he do something to you?
They started asking her a lot questions but she didn't give an answer to any of them. She was just laying her head on my shoulder and was hugging me tight.
A:Guys stop asking her questions you see that she is not answering give her some time.

Few minutes later we were infront of her house I helped her to get out of the car we walked in and we saw the squad and her parents waiting for us on the couch. When they saw us with Lexi they all runned to her.
P&Lv:Lex are you okay?
Db&Jh&B: Do you need anything?
Lm&Ld:Honey do you need to go to the hospital?
She ignored all of the questions and walked upstairs to her room Pierson and Liv followed her.

Lexi layed on her bed and Pierson and Liv sat next to her.
P:Lex did he hurted you?
P:Do you want to tell us what happened?
Lr:Well last week I was out at the mall and when I was done shopping I walked to my car when something p-pulled me aside saying "Don't say anything If you want to be alive" then he dragged me into a van and drived to a building.There I saw Andrew's dad they tied me up on a chair and later he-he r*ped me and everyday he will come and do that if I push him away he will hit me. There was moments that I had the chance to escape but I couldn't stand up because my body hurted so much. And I haven't eaten in a week and I don't feel good at all.*crys*
Pierson and Liv hugged her.
P:I'm so sorry for what you had to go through Lex.
Lv:Do you want us to go and get you food?
Lv:Okay Pierson let's go.

I was infront of her room and listened to the whole conversation. Pierson and Liv walked out few minutes later.
P:We're going to get Lexi food.
Lv:You go In there and make her feel better.
I walked in and saw her laying on her bed.
A:Hi Lex.
I walked to her bed and sat next to her.
A:I'm so sorry for what you had to go through Lex. I promise you that from now on I'm not leaving your side I'll be with you wherever you want to go.
She turned around to look at me her eyes were red and watery.
A:I Promise.
She sat on her bed and hugged me tight. I putted my hands on her waist.
She looked at me and then looked at my lips.
A:If you want to do something just do it.
She kissed me and I kissed her back.
Lexi pulled away and hugged me again.We stayed like that for a few minutes and then Pierson and Liv came back with the food.
Lexi I ate her food and later I left her house.

(I didn't know what the name of the chapter to be lol. So I decided to put
"I Promise")

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