The club

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*Few months passed*

I finnaly broke up with Jaden!!
Now I have a chance with Lexi my birthday is in a week before my birthday I want to make a move on Lexi but idk when or how to do that I guess we'll see what's going to happen this week
Andrew and Jaden finnaly broke up!!
Now I have a chance with him but I don't when ig I'll have to wait for something to happen.Today I have plans with my friends to go to a club we're going there at 8pm so now It's 7pm and I have to get ready I showered I did my hair and makeup and I put on my black mini dress.It was 7:50pm so I had to go I got a Uber to drive me to the club when I got there I saw my friends waiting for me outside
N&K:Hey Lex!
L:Hey guys!
N:Ready to have some fun
We got in the club we go to the bar get a drink and sat on a table meanwhile Andrew texted me if I want to hang I told him that I was at a club with my friends he said that will be another time.Later I was drinking my drink when a guy came up to me
??:Hey cutie
L:Um hi?
??:Want to dance with me
L:No sorry I have a bf
??:OH come on he won't know
??:Okay then it will be the hard way
He grabbed my arm but I slapped him and run to the bathroom I went In the bathroom and locked the doors I heat him infront of the door so I decided to text Andrew to come pick me up
A:Yes Lex did something happened?!?
L:Can you come a guy came up to me and wanted me to dance with him and I said No and he started being aggressive
A:I'm on my way
I got a text from Lexi saying that a guy is bothering her I jumped from the couch got my keys and run to my car
I was infront of the club
A:Lex where are you?
L:I'm in the bathroom hurry up pls!!
A:I'm coming!!
I entered the building and run to the bathroom infront of the girls bathroom I saw a guy screaming at the door I walked up to him
??:Wtf do you want?!?
A:Get out of here before break your head
??:Hahaha you?You look so weak man
That made me angry I grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him hard in the wall
A:Now who's the weak?!?
The guy ran away he probably peed his pants I knocked on the girls bathroom
A:Lex it's me unlock he is gone now
As soon as she opened the door she hugged me tight and started crying in my arms
A:Hey hey its okay don't cry
I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck I walked outside to the car I opened the passenger door and sit her down I got in the car and put her seat bell on she was shaking the whole time and I holded her hand
I drived to her house we were in the driveway and we were sitting in the car I hugged Lexi because she was shaking again she hugged me back we stayed there for a few minutes in silent then she pulled away from the hug
L:I-I have to go
A:Okay-i said looking at her and caressing her cheek
She got out of the car and I didn't drive way before she go in her house when she got in I drived away thinking if she was going to be okay
I was so scared but luckily Andrew came and saved me when he dropped me off at my house I got in the shower brushed my teeth and put my pjs on
I go to bed I go to sleep but then i dreamed that I saw the guy again and he hurt me this time I woke up from this dream at 2am I couldn't sleep alone so I put on my clothes and drived to Andrew's house when u got there I knocked on his door he opened the door
A:Lex?What are you doing here so late?
L:I couldn't sleep bc I had a dream about that guy- I didn't realize I was crying Andrew pulled me into a hug I never wanted to let go off him he picked me up and walked to his bed he layed me on his bed and he layed next to me I hugged him and he hugged me back and I finally can fall asleep without being scared.
After today I know I can trust him and he will always be with me❤️

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