Drunk Lexi

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I woke up at 3:30am knowing what happened. I looked around and noticed that I'm in Andrew's room he was laying next to me hugging me I decided to go back to sleep.
Few hours later I woke up again and I didn't saw Andrew next to me.
Few minutes later I saw him walking out of the bathroom.

I woke up this morning at 8:40 am I looked at Lexi who was laying next to me she was still asleep I stood up from bed and go to shower few minutes later I got out and saw Lexi looking at me. As soon as i saw her awake I runned to her.
L:Hey, what happened?
A:You passed out last night.
A:Yeah but do you need anything?
L:Umm maybe a kiss from my handsome prince! *smiles*
A:*chuckles and kisses her*
We make out for a few minutes when someone called her.
L:Ugh really right now?!?
She picked up
L:Hey Pier!
P:Hey Lex want to go to a club with Me,Liv,Brent and Andrew can come if he wants?
L:Sure what time?
L:Okay see you later!
P:See you later Lex!
A:What did Pierson want?
L:She asked if I want to go to a club tonight. You can come if you want?
A:Sorry babe it will be another time.
Later she left.
I invited Danny,Sebastian and Lee to play video games.
D:Yo Randy where is your girl?
A:Oh she is at the club with Pierson,Liv and Brent.
D:Oh cool.
Few hours later we heard a knock on the door I opened it and saw Brent and the girls Pierson and Liv were holding Lexi.
P:Lexi got a little drunk
L:That's not true
Lv:Okay walk in a straight line
She tried to walk in a straight line and almost fell.
A:Babe how many drinks did you had?
L:2,3,4 or maybe 5 I don't remember.
P:One guy came up to her and she punched him in the face before he can say something.
A:Oh damn!
Lv:She also started showing us pictures of you saying "My boyfriend is so hot" and talked about you
L:Well I wasn't lying when I said that he is hot and he is good in bed.
A:*laughs* Okay you guys can leave I'll take care of her.
Lv:Good luck!
Br:Yeah you're gonna need it.
They left and few minutes later the boys left too.
L:Finnaly alone!
She sat on my lap and took off her  dress and started kissing me.
A:Babe you're too drunk!!
L:Shut up and f*ck me already.
A:Okay you asked for it.
I layed her on the bed in my room.
I took of my clothes and my boxers
I grabbed a condom and did what she wanted me to do. She was moaning so loud.
A:Shhh baby.
One hour later we cleaned up and falk asleep.

I woke up this morning and I didn't remember what happened last night I was in Andrew's bed again but he wasn't next to me I got up showered,brushed my teeth and put a hoodie and sweatpants. I walked out of the room and saw Andrew in the kitchen.
A:Good morning!
L:Good morning! Baby what happened last night?
A:You were at a club with the girls they brought you here and told me how you punched a boy that wanted to talk to you and how you talked about me.
L:What was I saying about you?
A:You were showing pictures of me saying that I'm hot and that I'm good in bed *giggles*
L:What happened after that?
A:You took of your dress and started kissing me I told you that you're too drunk but you said "Shut up and f*ck me already" and I did what you wanted.
L:Ugh now I can't remember anything that happened here.

We were all day together like everyday lol and at night I got home.

Sorry this is short I just don't have ideas.

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