~Montana~ pt.2

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I woke up this morning at 8:17am.
I got up brushed my teeth and got dressed.I layed on the bed and watched on my phone.

Few minutes later Andrew woke up.
A:Good morning.
Lr:Good morning. *smiles*
A:What time is it?
Lr:8:30am.We have breakfast in 1 hour.
A:Oh I should get ready.
Lr:Yeah you should.

We kissed and Andrew got ready.
A:Babe how many minutes we have left?
Lr:30 minutes!
He walked up to me and kissed me.
A:You look good in this.*looks at her up and down*
Lr:Thank you.You look hot.*smiles*
A:Thank you my Mrs.Davila! *smiles*
Lr:Oh so I am Mrs.Davila now?*giggles

We had breakfast and later we met up with the others.
Ev:Hey guys!
A&Lr:Hello everyone!
Heather walked up to me.
H:Hi Lexi how are you?
Lr:Hi I'm good how about you?
H:I'm good too.So um my kids still don't know you're here with us if you want we can surprise them.
Lr:Ofc! Where are they? *smiles*
H:*smiles* They're sitting on the bench there waiting for us.
Lr:Okay. What are their names?
H:Ellie and Skyler.
Lr:Such a cute names!
We walked behind them.They didn't hear us I saw them watching one of my videos.Then Heather walked infront of them.
H:Hey kids!
S&E:Hey mom!
H:What are you guys doing?
S:Watching Lexi's videos.
E:She is literally so funny mom!!
S:Yeah and pretty too!!
H:You guys love her so much.
S:Well literally who doesn't?
E:Everyone love Lexi!!
H:What is one thing you guys want to say to Lexi? *smiles*
S:That we love her so much!
Lr:I love you guys too!
They gasped and turned around.
They were so shocked to see me.
S:Mom is she real?
H:Yes she is.
R:Lexi, are you really here?
Lr:Yes! *laughs*
They runned to me and hugged me tight.
S:I literally love you Lexi!!
E:I love you too Lexi!!!
Lr:I love you guys too!

Andrew walked up to us.
A:Is it true that you guys love her more than me? *laughs*
A:Well i don't blame you guys.Who wouldn't love her.*smiles*
E&S:Oh damn someone is really inlove.*laughs*
Lr: whispers in their ears:Well I'm inlove too guys.*smiles*
Ellie and Sky looked at each other with wide eyes.
S:Are you guys dating?
Lr:Yes but don't tell anyone.*smiles*
They both screamed.
Lr: *laughs*
A: Guys let's go.

We go to ski and it was so fun Andrew wasn't that good and he slipped and fall. Two hours later we got lunch and go to our room.
A:Omg I'm so tired *jumps on the bed*
Lr:Same.I'll go to shower.
A:Okay love!

I showered and put on a white sweatshirt with white sweatpants. I layed on the bed next to Andrew who was already asleep.
He still had on his jacket and his beanie.
I took off his beanie and carefully removed his jacket.
I put a blanket over him and watched on my phone.

An hour later, Andrew woke up.
A:Hey.*rubs his eyes*
Lr:Hi.*puts her phone down*
A:What time is it?
A:Oh, okay.

I tried to stand up but I felt pain in my back.
A:Are you okay babe?
Lr:Yeah its just that my back hurts.
A:Lay down I'll rub your back.*smiles*
Lr:Thank you.*smiles*

I layed on my stomach.
Andrew sat on my butt,pulled my sweatshirt up and started rubbing my back.
Lr:Omg that feels so gooooodddd.

I felt that my bra is being unclip.But I don't have a problem with it.it's more comfortable without it anyway.
Lr:I can fall asleep like that.
Lr:I love thisss!!
A:Do you love this too?
He started giving me little kisses on my back.
Lr:Mhmmm.*bites lips*

He then moved to my neck and started kissing it.
But then I felt this sharp pain in my waist.
Lr:Ouch!Ouch!Ouch Andrew!
A:What's wrong babe?
Lr:My waist hurts!

He got off me and layed my head on his lap.
A:Are you okay baby?
Lr:My waist hurts.
A:Do you need to go to the hospital??
A:Okay but if your waist continues to hurt I'm taking you to the hospital.

I closed my eyes and fall asleep.
Few hours later I woke up I was laying on the pillow with a blanket over me.And Andrew wasn't next to me.I checked the time and it was already 5:00pm.
I was curious where Andrew went because he wasn't in the room.
Few minutes later he walked in the room.
A:Hi my love! *smiles*
Lr:Hi! Where were you? *smiles*
A:Oh i had to go to my aunt because she needed me for something.
Lr:Oh okay.*smiles*
A:How did you sleep?*smiles*

He layed on the bed and I layed my head on his chest.
A:How is your waist?
Lr:It hurts a little but it will be okay.
A:You sure you don't want to go to the hospital?
Lr:Yeah I'm sure.
A:Okay.*plays with her hair*

~Few days later~
We're already back home.
Me and Andrew decided to buy a house and to move In together.
We liked one house and in a few days we'll move in.

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