Andrew's birthday

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I woke up at 8:30am it was early so I got up go to shower,brushed my teeth and made breakfast for the birthday boy.At 9am I go in his room and woke him up.
L:Wake up birthday boy!!
He opened his eyes as they saw me a smile appeared on his face
A:Good morning baby
He said while he is lifting his body to sit up
L:Here you go luv
I said handing him a plate with pancakes
A:Thank you mi amor!
While we were talking I heard I knock on the door
A:I'll get it
L:No babe stay I'll get it
When I opened the door I saw Danny,Sebastian,Lee and Aj
E(Everyone):Yoo Lex what's up
L:Hi guys!!
D:Where is Andrew?
L:Oh he is in his room
They all go to his room
E:Yoo Randy's Happy Birthday!!
A:Thanks Guys
L:Okay Babe I'll leave I'll see you later
A:Want me to drop you off?
L:No its okay
I go to him and kissed him and then left his house.
Lex woke up me this morning with breakfast in bed I was surprised that she can cook while we were talking we heard a knock and Lex go to open it she came back with Danny,Sebastian,Lee and Aj they all said Happy Birthday to me and then Lexi left for her house I saw the confused faces on the boys.
D:Since when are you guys are kissing?
Aj:And since when are you guys calling each other "babe"
A:Well uhm two days ago we go on a date we kissed and started dating.
A:Haha thanks guys
D:But why was she here?
A:You don't want to know
D:Yeah I really don't
S:Anyways tonight we're throwing a party for your birthday
D:Dress to impress
Later they left and I called Lexi
A:Hey mi amor!
L:Hi baby
A:What are you up to
L:Nothing much just watching on my phone hbu?
A:Well I'm talking on the phone with the prettiest girl in the world
L:Stopp your gonna make me blush
A:Hahaha anyways tonight the boys are throwing a party and I would love to see you there
L:Okay I'll come what time?
L:Okay luv❤️
We talked and later I got ready for the party I put on a white shirt and white jeans and I go to the party
P:Happy Birthday Randy
A:Thank you Pier
S:There is my birthday boy
I pulled him aside
A:Bro why are here other girls?!?
S:Chill dude nothing will happen
A:If something happen and Lexi see it I'm blaming you
S:Fine now come and let's party
I got ready for the party I put on my white dress and got Uber to get me to the party.
When I got there I searched for Andrew I saw him with the boys and there were girls around them but he was just talking to Aj while the others were talking to girls I walked up to him
L:Hi Baby
A:Hey babe
He grabbed my waist and kissed me and I kissed him back.
Aj:Yo I'll leave I don't want to third wheel.
I saw the girls that were with the other boys looking at me with a jealous face but I don't care I love to see them jealous.
I sit on a chair and Andrew was infront of me he put his hands on NY waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.I kissed him and we make out for a few minutes when someone interrupted us.
S:Yo bro it's time for the cake!
A:Fine I'm coming!
We cut the cake and then someone pulled me aside it was Pierson,Liv and Lexi Hensler
P:Hi Lex
Lh:Where have you been these days?
L:I was just busy
Lv:Um Lex you don't want to turn around
L:What why?
I turned around and saw a girl kissing Andrew   he pushed away and then his eyes met with mine
L:I-I need a minute outside
P:Do you want some company?
L:No I'll be fine
I walked outside and started crying then I heard a familiar voice calling my name I turned around and saw Andrew.
A:Lex it's not what you think it is!
L:Oh really why was she kissing you Andrew?!?
A:She came up to me and kissed me and i pushed her away.I only love you Lex your the only girl I've ever loved so much.
L:How can I believe that you only love me when I saw that Andrew!
A:You don't believe me okay Fine.Give me your hand
A:Just give me your hand I won't hurt you
He grabbed my hand and put it on his chest so I can feel his heart.His heart was beating really fast.
L:Is your heart beating so fast because of me?
L:I-I'm sorry that I didn't believe you
A:It's okay Lex if I were you I would be mad too.You have to be mad at Sebastian he brought the girls
L:Oh I'm gonna kill him
I grabbed his face and kissed him
A:Do you want to get out of here*smirks*
L:Let's go but we have to stop at my house because I want to get something from there
A:Okay let's go
We stopped at my house I go to my room and grabbed his birthday gift
and grabbed some clothes
A:What is in that box?
L:That's a surprise
We go to his house and sat on the couch
L:Here you go
I hand him the box
A:Wait lemme guess your pregnant*laughs*
L:Open it!!
When he opened it he was shocked
A:You did not!
L:Yes I did*giggles*
He hugged me tight
A:I love you I love you I love you!
L:I love you more!
He pulled me on his lap and started kissing me.I unbuttoned his shirt he picked me up and we go in his room.
There he layed me on the bed and pulled of his pants he grabbed a condom from his nightstand pulled of mine and his underwear put the condom on his duck and made his way inside me.Few minutes later we cleaned up and showered and we layed on his bed.
A:*kisses her forehead*I love you so much
L:I love you so much more
He wrapped his arms around me I layed my head on his chest and we fall asleep❤️.

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