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It was like any other day in preschool. Playing on the playground, having lunch and then nap time. The best time of my life. Me and my bestest friends are seeing who can get further on the monkey bars. "You're a loser Mindy!" I yell sticking my tongue out at her. "Yeah? Well watch this!" She yells back getting back on the Monkey bars getting half way across before falling down. "Ouchie. I hurt my knee" she mumbles, tears welling up in her eyes. Kaitlyn and I run over to her "are you okay?" We ask at the same time. She shakes her head showing us the small cut on her knee. "My mommy said if you kiss it it will feel better" we hear a girl say. We look up and see her standing above us. Mindy looking at her with tears streaming down her face sniffling. "Will it really?" She asks wiping her nose. The girl nods smiling. I look between them before I lean over and kiss Mindys knee. "All better?" I ask, my face moulding into a nervous look. She nods her head smiling "I can't feel the pain anymore" she yells jumping up. We go to thank the girl but she's gone.

I'm awoken to my phone ringing violently under my pillow. Without looking at who's calling I answer groggily "hello?" "GET UP, LOSER! IM COMING TO PICK YOU UP" Kaitlyn yells into the phone. "Woah, calm down. It's too early to be yelling" I mumble pulling my phone away from my ear. "Yeah yeah whatever. I'll be there in 20. Love you bye" she says before hanging up, not giving me a chance to reply.

I sigh getting up, not looking forward to the start of sophomore year. I grab my clothes before heading off to the bathroom to get ready. I connect my phone to my speaker, while I turn the shower on, getting the water to the right temperature.

After I'm finished I head downstairs to grab something to eat. "Morning ma" I say looking in the fridge of a drink. "Hey, baby. Ready for school?" She asks, kissing my head. "I guess" I mumble grabbing a red bull before closing the fridge. "I cut up a mango for you to have" she says, pointing to the plate on the island. I say my thanks and start eating it. Once I'm finished I throw the rubbish away and start washing my plate. Suddenly the front door bursts open. "Goodmorningggg" Kaitlyn sings out. "There's my favourite child!" My mum yells back, kissing Kaitlyns head before asking if she's hungry. Kaitlyn nods her head before sitting down next to me. "Mom what the fuck, why is she the favourite when she's not even your real daughter?" I grumble. "Y/n don't swear" she replies smiling before making Kaitlyn some toast.

After she eats we say our goodbyes heading out the door the go to school. I connect my phone up and we listen to some bangers on the way, talking shit every now and then. "When's soccer training again?" I ask, as we get out of the car. "Last period, we'll get a note from coach during gym period." Kaitlyn says, looking at her class schedule. "We have a couple classes together, slay" I mumble looking between ours.

Time skip- a few weeks later

"I can't believe my mom loves you more" i mutter, pushing Kaitlyn slightly as we walk up the stairs to our first class of the day . "I'm just smarter, hotter and funnier. What more do I have to say?" She replies laughing, flipping her hair mockingly. "Dude, shut up. You're so fucking d-" as I'm talking I feel someone knock into me. Instinctively, I wrap my arms around them so they don't get hurt. "Be careful, yeah?" I say, helping them up before going to walk away. "Wait! You're Y/n right? From English Lit?" She asks, grabbing my arm. I turn around to see Tara carpenter, AKA my crush since middle school. "Uh, yeah. You're Tara right?" I ask confused on how she knows who I am. "Yeah" she says smiling, still holding my arm. I slightly clear my throat before she lets go. "Well, I'll see you around Y/n". Tara says with a bright smile turning to continue walking down the stairs. "That was weird" I mumble while Kaitlyn pushes me around, teasing me about my crush on Tara.
"Seriously, when are you gonna make a move?" Kaitlyn whispers to me while the teacher talks. "Bro shut up. You're so annoying" I whisper back, pushing her slightly. "Y/n! Kaitlyn! keep talking and I'll send you out of the class" the teacher yells, pointing disapprovingly at us. "Yes ma'am" we mumble, rolling our eyes. I'm drawing in my book when I feel my phone go off.
I carefully pull it out of my pocket, trying to hide it. I turn it on only to find an unknown number messaged me.


hey, Y/n it's Tara. Mindy gave me your number

Hey, what's up?

Y/n Changed 'UnKnown Number' to 'Tara Carpenter❤️'

Tara Carpenter❤️
I'm having some friends
over tonight, do you
and Kaitlyn wanna come?

Yeah for sure. What time do
you want us there?

Tara Carpenter❤️
I'll tell you in English :)


I swipe out of the conversation, going straight to Mindys.

The Better Meeks


The Better Meeks👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾
But why are you mad?

Well I mean, I'm not but
you could've warned me?

Anyways, she invited
Kaitlyn and I over this afternoon.
Are you coming too?

The Better Meeks👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾
I mean, I guess if I have


I roll my eyes swiping out of the chat and putting my phone away. I lean over to Kaitlyn and whisper "we're going to Tara's today" before sitting back properly, not looking anywhere but ahead at the board. "This will be interesting" I mumble to myself before focusing on class and taking notes

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