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It's the middle of the semester right now and Mindy and I ditched school to stay at mine and sesh. We've probably smoked more than we should have because I can't remember anything from the last time I blinked and Mindy has gone mute. I get up from the couch, grabbing my phone from next to the tv. When I got it, I sit back down next to Mindy opening the Uber eats app. "What do you want to eat?" I ask, not looking up. When I get no reply I raise my head, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and look at Mindy. Panic written all over her face. "What's going on?" I ask slowly. She starts throwing her hands around whispering how she's lost the ability to talk. "What?" I ask, my eyebrows raising. She starts basically playing charades with me. I'm so focused on trying to figure out what she's saying that I don't hear the front door open and 4 sets of footsteps come towards the lounge room. "Hey guys" Kaitlyn says, amused. Mindy and I both scream. Her pushing me off the couch. "So now your mouth can make a sound?" I grumble, picking myself up off the ground. "Are you okay?" Serenity and Tara ask at the same time. They side eye each other before Serenity walks over and helps me up. "How high are you?" She asks, trying to look in my eyes. "Crazy high" i say smiling wide. The 4 sober girls laugh at us.

I'm currently sitting at my desk, writing a new song when Serenity sighs getting up from my bed and making her way over to me. She sits herself on my lap, hands resting on my jaw. "Is there anything going on with you and Tara?" She asks, looking deeply into my eyes. "No baby. She's just my friend. I'm too invested in you to worry about anyone else" I admit, caressing her cheek. "Well she's definitely in to you" she mutters burying her head in my neck. "That's not my concern" I say, as she leaves wet kisses, biting every now and then.

"Damn someone went crazy on you" Amber says, everyone's attention snapping to me. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion looking towards Serenity. "What does she mean?" I ask. She shrugs innocently before sitting next to Kaitlyn on the couch, hi-fiving her. I shrug my shoulders sitting on the floor in front of Kaitlyn and Serenity. "Wanna play gun game?" Mindy asked, throwing a controller at me. "Lets do it" i say smiling, turning the tv and PlayStation on.

The rest of the afternoon was spent playing games and going in the pool. Kaitlyn pushing me in unexpectedly while I was fully clothed. I'm cleaning up when I hear keys jingle in the front door. Curiously, I peek my head around the corner and watch my mom struggle to push open the door, all her luggage surrounding her. I laugh to myself before going and helping her. Opening the door and bringing her stuff in. "Thankyou, baby" she says sighing. "How was the trip?" I ask sitting on the island counter. "It was okay. We sealed the deal with the company in Spain." She says happily. "When's your next soccer game?" She asks suddenly. On Saturday. It was determine if we make it to states or not" I admit, feeling the pressure. "You girls have a hard working team. Don't stress yourself out" she says, patting my leg before making her way to get a glass of wine. "Now go to bed, you have school tomorrow" she says, giving me a knowing look.

"Come on man! That's a foul" I yell at the ref after the opposing team slide tackled one of my teammates. I roll my eyes running back into position pushing the other team back, getting closer to their goal. "Mind if I take your little girlfriend out after we win?" Someone from the other team says, smiling wickedly. I clench my jaw. Faking them with the ball, breaking their ankles and kicking at the goal. Getting it in the top right, goalie missing completely. I walk back past the girl. "If you can win" I smile innocently before running back to defence.

The whistle goes for half time. Scores set at 4-2. Running off to the side of the field. Drinking my water, pouring some over my head to help cool me down. "You girls are doing great. Just keep the ball away from them and you'll win this game." Coach says proudly. "Captains, I'll need you to be on bench for a little. I need you saving your energy for the last quarter where it'll really count" coach says as the whistle goes off, telling us it's time to start playing again. Kaitlyn and I sit on the bench, catching our breaths from all the running. "What'd that girl say to you before" Kaitlyn asks, looking between me and the field. "She basically said she's gonna take Serenity when they win" I admit with a laugh, shaking my head. Kaitlyn joins in laughing. "Y/n! Kaitlyn!" We hear behind us, we look up and see Sam, Serenity, Tara, Mindy, Amber and my mom at the bottom of the bleachers waving us over. We get up, and jog over. "Hey guys" we say, looking up at them. "You made it" i say, smiling at my mom. "That team is fucked" Sam says, looking at the field. We nod our heads knowingly. "Hey pretty lady" I say looking at Serenity. She looks at me, and shyly waves. Blush creeping up on her cheeks. Tara looks between us, eyebrows furrowed. "Y/L/N, Miller back on the field, let's go" the coach yells, telling us the final quarter is here.

Kaitlyn and I are making the opposing team work just to try and get the ball. We scared another goal, running and jumping into each other before jogging back to start defence again. A teammate steals the ball passing it to Kaitlyn. "I'm open" I yell out, standing across the field. She boots the ball to me. I jump up to headbutt it into the goal. As my head moves towards the ball someone from the other team tries to kick the ball away, missing and hitting me. I feel the blow to my mouth. I close my eyes, feeling my lip sting. I touch my lip, feeling the blood. I wipe my lip, spitting out the blood that's in my mouth. The ref calls yellow card and comes to make sure i can still play. I get a penalty. My jaw set, eyebrows knitted together, focusing on the goal. I kick it, the team and goalie failing to save it as it flies into the top left corner. My team congratulating me. I smile thanking them as we make our way back.

5 minutes left on the clock. We're hustling, making sure they can't get a goal. I steal the ball from the girl from earlier, running past her and her teammates to go for the goal. As I'm running I feel someone's leg infront of me, tripping me up. I go flying to the ground, my head smacking harshly into the ground, the side of my face sliding against the rough turf. "Fuck me" i mutter, struggling to bring myself up off the ground feeling dizzy. I stand up, all the sounds and voice fading into the background. My heartbeat drumming in my eyes. I close my eyes holding the side of my head, shaking it. Taking a deep breath before all the sound comes rushing back in. "Come on ref, foul her" I hear Kaitlyn yell throwing her hands up in the air. I set my jaw, letting my anger build.

2 minutes left, I pass the ball to Kaitlyn. She passes it to a teammate. Rushing towards the goal. I run with the ball, following it. Our teammate boots the ball towards the goal, the opposing team head butting it away. I run up facing away from the ball and jump doing a 'bicycle kick'. I land on my back. Breathing heavily as I hear the crowd erupt in cheers as the whistle goes out, signaling the game is over. I stay laying on the ground spread out, smiling wide trying to catch my breath. I feel Kaitlyn and the rest of my team pick me up. "We did it" they yell jumping around.
"We're going to states" I yell smiling, the team cheering. The girls come running onto the field to congratulate us. Serenity running straight to me. I pick her up spinning her around. "You did it" she says, gently resting her hand on my cheek. "We did it" i say smiling. I look to my left and see that girl looking at us, so I bring Serenity in for a deep kiss, my tongue intertwining with hers. I make eye contact with her and she rolls her eyes walking away.

"I'm so proud of you girls. You play so well together" my mom says, bringing Kaitlyn and I in for a hug. "Congratulations" Tara says sweetly, hugging us. Holding me longer than necessary. "Go get cleaned up. You guys smell" they say, pushing us.

I genuinely don't know shit about soccer so just bear with me pls🫶🏼

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