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It's been a couple weeks since my birthday, I've been hanging out with Tara pretty much 24/7. She only goes home to get changed and then we're back to go out for lunch or whatever and hanging out. I just got back from the gym when I hear my phone start to ring. "Hello" I answer, not looking at the caller Id. "Hey babe, wanna go watch a movie today?" I hear Tara ask cheerfully. "Sure, do you want me to pick you up?" I ask going into my room to find some clothes to wear. "Nah, meet me there. Love you bye" she says hanging up. I roll my eyes laughing and sending her a voice message as I turn on the shower. "You never told me when we're meeting there" i send it, taking my clothes off and hopping into the cold shower, feeling my muscles relax. I sigh happily, doing everything I need to before getting out and checking my phone. She sent a voice message back. "Oh yeah, my bad. We'll meet there at 2:30" she says shyly. I look at the time seeing it's 2:15. "Fuck" i mutter running into my room rushing to get changed before running out grabbing my helmet and bike keys, locking the door behind me. I run down the stairs to the car park and jump on my bike. Turning it on and speeding out towards the movies we're meeting at.

I arrive in 10 minutes because of speeding. I park it and run to the cinemas. Getting there at exactly 2:30 seeing Tara sitting down. I pretend I wasn't just running a marathon and walk towards her. "Hey" I say, very clearly out of breath. "Did you run here or something?" She asks laughing. "Almost" i joke, bending over, putting my hands on my knees to catch my breath. She laughs patting my back before walking away. "Come on loser" she yells out, walking towards the counter to get the tickets.

After the movie ends we're walking out to the car park, talking about it and what we liked throughout the whole film. "Hey, do you maybe wanna come over?" She asks shyly. "Yeah sure but I gotta go home later, got work" I admit, giving her a sad smile. She gets in her car and I get on my bike, following her to their house. We pull up and Kaitlyns car is in the driveway "of course she's here" i mutter smiling. Her and Sam and always spending time together. Kaitlyn said they almost kissed recently but 'my stupid call interrupted it'. I take of my helmet following Tara inside. "What's up homos" I yell out seeing Kaitlyn and Sam jump apart on the couch. I walk to their fridge grabbing a drink. "What are you doing?" Sam asks walking into the kitchen. "Grabbing a drink?" I question grabbing a red bull. "It's annoying how comfortable you are here" she mutters with a small smile. "Oh you love me" i say walking over to her making a kissy face. "I wish I didn't" she says, pushing my face away. "That's a bit fucking rude" i mutter, frowning. She laughs walking back to the lounge room.

Tara and I have been in her room watching some slasher movie when I realise the time. "Shit I gotta go" I say, rushing to grab my shoes and everything, struggling to put them on. "Don't go to work" she mutters sadly. "I'm sorry I have to. We'll plan something soon" I say, rushing over to kiss her forehead before walking out and bolting down stairs. "See you at work" I yell out to Kaitlyn closing the front door behind me and getting on my bike.

I make it to work just before Kaitlyn. She parks behind me, getting out. "So not ready to deal with tonight" she says, as we walk in together going to the office. "Me too" I agree, sitting down on one of the chairs. The other bartenders and Barbacks start walking in saying their hellos before grabbing keys and getting shit set up for the night. After a while I sigh deeply. "I guess I should go help out" i mutter, dragging myself over to grab a headset and keys. "Have fun" Kaitlyn yells out happily.

It's Sunday afternoon now and I'm sitting on the couch playing games, smoking a joint with the sliding door open when my phone starts blowing up. I decide to ignore it for a bit, enjoying the weed and games I'm playing. When my phone doesn't shut up I huff, grabbing it and checking what's going on. Opening the group chat I see everyone's messages to me.

Friends With(out) Benifits

Dude where are you??

Goofy Goober🤡
We're supposed to be going out soon?

Pretty Lady❤️‍🔥
Babe, where are you?

Tara that's gay as

Pretty Lady❤️‍🔥
No it's not, shut up

Y/n I swear to god

Reply the fuck back asshole

Smiling at Tara's message, feeling my heart flutter lightly. I decide I should probably reply back, since I've left them hanging for over an hour now.

Fae Gott✊🏼😩
Geez guys



hope you enjoyed the prequel. Maybe in the future I'll fix it up and add shit but for now this is it.
Thankyou for taking your time reading it, I truly appreciate that. I hope you all have a good day/night❤️

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