Pool Day

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Kaitlyn and I just got done with soccer practice, walking into the house dropping our shoes and bags at the door. "Mother we're home" I yell out, slowly making my way to the kitchen for food. "Mom" Kaitlyn yells out. Suddenly we hear footsteps making their way to us. "Did you call me?" She asks, peeking into the kitchen. I huff mumbling things to myself as I grab a drink out of the fridge. "How's my favourite child doing?" My mum asks. "Not bad, just a bit tired" i say, sarcastically knowing she's talking to Kaitlyn. "Serenity is coming over and we're gonna chill in the pool" i admit, walking to my room to shower and get changed.

"Can I invite our friends over too?" I hear Kaitlyn say as she bursts into the bathroom. "Yeah, why not?" I say with a shrug, turning off the water and getting out. "Ew cover up" she says covering her eyes. "So when you intrude it's fine?? but when I do it willingly there's a problem?" I ask incredulously, wrapping the towel around my waist. Walking past her going to my closet and grabbing my things. "So, you and serenity huh? What's going on there?" Kaitlyn asks, throwing herself onto my bed. "We're dating" i say, nonchalantly as I get changed. "Since when?" Kaitlyn asks in disbelief. "I don't know, just over a month?" I say, shrugging. "Does anyone else know?" She questions. "Nah, we haven't really said much." I admit, grabbing my phone to message her.

Your Serenity❤️

Hey, my love

Kaitlyn invited our friends to hang out
Are you cool with that?

Your Serenity❤️
Of course, baby❤️

Your Serenity❤️
I'll be there in 5 btw


I walk down stairs, hearing someone pull up. I open the door full expecting to see my girlfriend but instead I see Tara and Sam. "Oh hey guys. I didn't know when you were getting here" i say, opening the door wider for them. "I haven't seen you in so long, what's going on?" Sam said, hugging me tightly. "I've just been a little busy, but don't worry. I'll be around more now" I admit pulling back from the hug. Tara and I hug like we never had an off moment. Her holding on a little longer than necessary though. I pull away from the hug when I hear another knock on the door. Opening it, I see my girlfriend. "Hey babe, come on in" i say with a wide smile. Once she's inside she pulls me into a deep kiss. "I've missed you" she mumbles. I laugh lightly, "it's only been 3 days". She turns to see the girls in the lounge room. "Hey guys, nice to see you again" she says, waving at them, smiling bright. They say hi back but I'm too caught up in admiring her to hear it.

I feel her hand in mine and it snaps me out of my trance. "Ready to go in the pool?" She asks, leading me to it. "With you, of course" I admit smiling lightly. I grab us a couple towels on the way before we walk outside into the spring heat. We place our towels down and I dive into the pool, waiting for her. When I resurface i see her in her bikini. "So you had that under your clothes?" I ask, staring at her. "Do you like it? I know blue is your favourite colour" she says with a smile, turning and posing. "You look beautiful, baby. I do like it" I admit, swimming to the edge of the pool. I pull myself up to sit on the edge, muscles tensing as I do. I watch her slowly walk down the steps into the water. Making her way over to me. "Come back in" she says in a flirty manner. "Sorry ma'am, I have a girlfriend" I joke, pulling away from her. She giggles swimming away. I dive into the pool, swimming up behind her grabbing her waist. She squeal as i bring her under the water. "Got you" i say, still holding her when we resurface. She turns around, wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. "I'm glad you do" she says shyly. I bring her in for a kiss. Getting lost in the way our lips move against each other.

"Get a room" I hear someone yell. I pull away rolling my eyes to see that Mindy and Amber finally showed up. "You coming in, losers?" I ask, smiling, still holding my girlfriend. "When did this become a thing?" Mindy asks, her eyebrow raised.
"Like over a month ago" Serenity answers, smiling wide.

We've spent most of the day in or by the pool. Everyone getting along and having fun. Tara ended up inviting Frankie which I paid no mind to, too invested in my girlfriend and our friends. "Wanna play chicken?" Mindy asks, coming towards us with Kaitlyn. "You're going down" i say, wicked smile on my face. "Ready, baby?" I ask, turning to Serenity. She nods her head, getting on my shoulders while Mindy gets on Kaitlyns. "And fight" I yell out, feeling Serenity move every which way on my shoulders. In a matter of seconds it's all over, Mindys plunged into the water. I go under the water so serenity can get off my shoulders. "That's my girl" I say in victory, kissing her tenderly. She shyly smiles, blush creeping onto her face. "No, rematch. Y/n you verse Kaitlyn" Mindy says, being a sore loser. I shrug my shoulders getting Sam to come into the water knowing that Serenity couldn't hold me up. She goes and sits on the edge of the pool smiling as she watches up fight. Kaitlyn almost gets me but I push her back hard enough to make her lose her balance. Grabbing Mindys head taking her down with her. Sam and I yell in victory. Hugging before I make my way over to Serenity. "We're a winning team" she says, resting her hand on my cheek. I lean into it, kissing her hand.

"What are you doing for your birthday?" Tara asks as we all sit around the fire. "I don't know yet, really. Haven't thought about it that much" I admit, shrugging my shoulders. "When's your birthday?" Serenity leans in and asks. "April 27" I say with a small smile. "We should have a party" Mindy says, smiling devilishly. I agree, knowing my mom will be away for that time.

After a while, everyone went home. "Do you wanna come to mine? I have the house to myself tonight" Serenity whispers in my ear, biting the lobe. Without a second thought I yell out to my mom "ma, I'm staying at Serenity's tonight. I'll see you tomorrow" before grabbing clothes and leaving with her. Heading to her place.

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