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I pull my head up and off her shoulder after what feels like forever. "How long?" I ask, looking at her. "What?" She asks, head tilting slightly in confusion. "How long are you here?" I ask, wiping my tears away. "I don't know" she admits, looking at the city ahead of us. "Mom and dad said I could live here with Caesar if I wanted to" she tells me. "But?" I answer, looking at her still. "But I don't know what I want. Part of me misses what I had here but the other part of me wants to know what life could be like in New York" she says, turning to look at me. I nod my head understandably. "You have time to figure it out. If you decide one thing and you find out it isn't what you want, you always have the option to change it. Don't hold yourself somewhere you don't wanna be just because it's comfortable" i say, looking out at the city, smiling lightly. "Whatever you decide, I will always back up your decision and support you" I admit, smiling sadly at her. "Thankyou" she whispers, leaning her forehead against mine. 

"Can we start over? As friends?" I ask, hope laced in my voice. "I would love that" she says smiling. "Now enough of all that, anything new you've written? I miss hearing your songs" she admits sheepishly. "I guess I'll show you one but, you have to give one in return. I can't ever forget how beautiful your voice is" i admit, lopsided grin on my face. She reluctantly agrees. I go through my recordings, setting my phone done infront of us, playing one of my recent ones.

The recording starts off. "September 23rd, 3:28am. This is Caught A Body" the recording goes quiet for a moment before the music starts to play softly in the background.

Butterflies all in my system
Feel the eyes, feel it all in this friction
You got the rights words, got the right diction
Need a rundown, need a description
Heavy rain pitter-patters in the distance
Steady hips, lip lock, no resistance
Cocaine, baby you got me addicted
Wrist cold, water froze ah yeah you frigid
Let me mention that you're going in the right direction
Mind, body, soul in the right dimension
You feel it in your bones, you're feeling all the tension
Third eye, let me guide you to ascension
And know that I've been hеre before
Ooh, tеll me baby when you want more
Let your body do the talking, let your mind explore
Body not here, body not here
Body just caught me a body and somebody got hit
Somebody knock but nobody ain't there
Had an earthly body and my earthly body ain't here
Body not here, body not here
Body just caught me a body and somebody got hit
Somebody knock but nobody ain't there
Had an earthly body and my earthly body ain't here
It's with you
I needed you, I needed everything you had
I'd give you everything I'd ever wanted, wouldn't it want it back
Omnipresent, luminous is your energy
Need your presence no, they can't take that away from me
Tongue-tied yeah I got my eye on you
I try but I can't get over you
Star Trek yeah I'll take you to the moon
Imma move, imma do just how you do
Imma show you who I am and where I go
Got the wheel, so really I'm in control
Take control
Body not, body not here
Body just caught me a body and somebody got hit yeah
Somebody knock but nobody ain't there
Had an earthly body and my earthly body ain't here, no
Body not yeah, body not
Body not, no, body not
Body not, body not here
Body not, body not here
Body not, body not here
Body not, no, body not here
Body not, body not here
Body just caught me a body and somebody got hit
Body, body not here
Body, body not here
Body, body not here
Body, body not here

As the song finishes I grab my phone swiping out of the recording "so that's one of my more happier? I guess songs" I say, sheepishly. "Who's it about?" She asks, looking at me head tilted slightly. "It's about you" i say before panicking "I mean- cause- I started it when we were together you know? No-not like a year later- that would be weird" i rush out, stumbling over my words. My heart melts, hearing her giggle. It's been so long since I've heard it. "It's a good song, Y/n" she says, smiling. "Anywaysss, your turn, ma'am" i say, trying to move on awkwardly.

"Damn, who were you coming for?" I ask, listening to the song. "You, maybe. I don't know. I kept seeing your posts on instagram with Tara and I got hurt" she admits, laughing awkwardly. "This is a really good song though" I admit, as it finishes. I read the time on her phone. 2:45am. "Come on, let's get you back to your brothers. It's late" i say, standing up dusting myself off before helping her up. We get in the car, and drive back to hers. Her showing me songs she's been obsessed with recently.

"Hey can you just check if anyone's messaged me? I felt it vibrate earlier but ignored it" I ask, handing her my phone. Still remembering my password she unlocks it and goes to texts. "You kept my contact the same?" She asks, staring at the screen. "Yeah, you'll always be my peace" I admit, sheepishly. "I- I can change it if you want" I back up, nervously. "No, it's okay" she says. "Anyways, 'Gremlin' messaged you". "That's Tara, what'd she say?" I ask, looking over every so often. "She said. Hey y/n you're probably asleep right now but I just wanted to check in, are we okay?'." She reads slowly. "We?" She asks, turning to look at me. "I don't know why she said that, there's no we. We're just friends" I defend, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

We pull into Caesars driveway, both hopping out and walking up to the front door. "Thankyou for coming out tonight" i say, thankful. "Get home safe. Message me?" She says walking inside. "Always" i mutter, walking back to my car. I get in, smiling wide the whole time. Driving home forgetting all my problems.
I pull into the driveway, seeing an ambulance. I rush out of the car running towards the people bringing my mom out on a gurney. "Mom" I yell out. "You can't be here kid" someone says, trying to push me away. "Bro did you not just fucking hear me yell 'mom'?" I say, pushing him off of me. I see Kaitlyn come running out of the house. "What happened?" I ask walking up to her. "I-I don't know. S-she was saying goodnight and I h-heard something crash around in-in her room so I-I ran in an-and she was on the floor unconscious" Kaitlyn admits, stumbling over her words in a panic. Running her hands through her hair roughly.

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