Late Night Conversation

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Tara and I are currently waiting in the lobby of the hospital for Sam and Kaitlyn to get back. "So, Kaitlyn said she was at yours and Sam went bolting down the stairs and tripped?" I ask, hoping I got the story right. "Yep. All because Kaitlyn was out in the rain she needed to hurry" Tara says trying not to laugh. "Hey, this is serious, your sister broke her arm. It's not something to laugh about" i say, trying to keep a straight face. "No it's the way she fell down the stairs. I'll see if the camera she installed caught it" she pulls out her phone going to the app connected to the cameras at their house. And pulling up the time stamp from when she fell. "Here" she mutters pressing on the video.

"As if she fell like that" i say, trying not to laugh too hard in the hospital

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"As if she fell like that" i say, trying not to laugh too hard in the hospital. "I can't believe I watch it irl and now I have it forever on my phone. I love my life" she says wiping her tears. "No but I hope she's okay though" I say, trying to hold my laughter in.

"Hey guys" we hear, quickly shutting off the video and stopping our laughter. "Hey, you okay?" I ask, trying really hard not to smile. "How's your arm? It was a nasty fall" Tara mumbles, snickering. "I still have one good arm to beat you with" Sam mutters, shooting daggers at Tara and I. "Let's get you home so you can rest. Kaitlyn can help walk you up the stairs" i say, laughing as I walk out to bring the car around. As soon as Sam gets in she smacks me upside the back of my head. "It's not funny" she mumbles rolling her eyes. "It is if you see the way you rolled down" i mutter snickering with Tara. She pulls up the video and shows Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn tries her hardest not to laugh, unable to contain the shit eating grin on her face. "No, S-sams right. It- It's not funny at all" she says, trying to stay serious. "Thankyou" Sam mutters, staring out the window. "Send that to me" Kaitlyn whispers, giggling. Sam smacking her arm, trying not to laugh herself.

Time skipppp

It's been a year now, Kaitlyn and I are both 20. Almost legal adults. She told me about her crush on Sam but she doesn't want to ruin anything. I told her the same with Tara. Mindy and I have been getting a lot closer, her becoming my absolute bestie (other than Kaitlyn of course). Ambers lost her fucking mind. The girl is crazy but we still love her. I'm playing Fortnite with Mindy right now. I've got the headset on talking to her, not knowing that Kaitlyns let Tara in. "Mindy why did you fucking run off? I'm literally hauling ass just to get your reboot card which is- fuck me, half way across the map?" I say, completely zoned in on the game. I feel someone put their hand on my shoulder and I jump slightly pulling the headset off and turning around "Jesus, can't do me like that when I'm focused on the game" i say smiling at Tara. "How did you get in?" I ask, eyebrows furrowed. "Kaitlyn let me in before she left to go to work. "Makes sense" i mumble. "Do you wanna play too? I got another console and headset in my room for you" I ask, telling Mindy I'll be right back. Tara nods her head saying sure as we make our way to my room, I get everything set up for her and head back out to the lounge room. "Hey guys" she says into the headset. "Ain't no way you got Tara to play. She always tells me I'm a fucking nerd for playing Fortnite" Mindy mumbles sassily. I snicker to myself as Tara says "you are a fucking nerd though?".

We play a couple rounds Mindy giving Tara shit for sucking at the game. "You do remember this is her first time playing it? I think she's doing better than you" I admit, laughing at the gasp Mindy does. "Take that back right now" she says, hearing the hurt in her voice.

After a little we decide to hop off, Tara having uni classes tomorrow morning. I walk into my room, seeing Tara put on a tv show. "Do you want me to drop you off tomorrow?" I ask, grabbing clothes to change into. "Who said I was staying over?" She says menacingly. "You're literally rugged up in my clothes under my blankets right now" i say pointing at her smiling wide. "Whatever" she mumbles, jokingly rolling her eyes. "What's new with you anyways?" I ask as I walk out of the bathroom in my pjs. "Nothing really, just studying a lot" she admits, a deep sigh following. "What about you? What's going on?" She asks, rolling over to face me, resting her head on my hand that's propped up. "Nothing, just tryna work heaps, you know?" I admit, hands resting under my head as I look at the ceiling. "Have you written any songs recently? I haven't heard anything for almost 2 years now" she says shyly. "I haven't really done that since Mom died. I kinda just lost the energy to do it" i lie.

"Do you still talk to Serenity?" She asks out of nowhere . "No, we lost touch" I admit, shrugging. "You're not bothered" she pushes. "I've figured out the hard way that people don't or can't always stay around. I have love for her and I'm proud of the person she's become but I'm not gonna get sad when she's off living her life because I'm trying to live mine too" I admit, turning my head, looking deep into her brown eyes. "Your birthdays coming up in a couple months, how do you feel?" She says smiling. "I'm actually keen to be 21. Now I can actually buy shit and not ask your sister to" I say laughing lightly.

"I've missed seeing you this happy" she says, laying her head on my chest, running her hand over my stomach. "Me too" I mumble, closing my eyes, drifting off to sleep

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