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I'm sleeping peacefully this beautiful Saturday morning until I'm rudely awoken by screaming "HAPLY BIRTHDAY!!". I grab my pillow throwing it towards the sound. "Shhh, I'm tryna sleep" I mumble, rolling over. "Y/n wake up. It's 11am and we have shit planned for today" I hear Sam say. I groan sitting up opening one eye trying to adjust to the light. "Morning" i mumble, stretching my arms, my muscles tensing from the strain. "Can you get out now? So I can get changed?" I ask, getting out of bed. Everyone leaves except Serenity. "Morning, baby" I mumble, kissing her lips sweetly. "Happy birthday" she smiles, handing me a present. I unwrap it to find a journal. "I remember you said that your other one is almost full so I thought I'd get you a new one to write all your songs in." She says shyly, putting hair behind her ear. "That's so sweet of you, baby. Thankyou" I admit smiling wide. I kiss her gently before going into my closet and grabbing a change of clothes. "You can wait in here while I shower, if you want" I say. "Or I could come in with you?" She says seductively, placing her hand on my clothed dick squeezing lightly. "I like that idea better" I mumble, grabbing her hand and leading her into the bathroom with me.

"That's one way to start a birthday" i mutter, as she gets up off her knees. Wiping her mouth before kissing me deeply. "Come on, we've been in here for a while, we've got plans to go to" she says slapping my arm lightly hopping out of the shower and drying off.

"What's got you so happy now?" Amber asks, smiling knowingly. "Your mom" i say loving her reaction. Serenity smacks the back of my head lightly. "Sorry" I mumble. Mindy and Kaitlyn giggling as they make whip sounds. I roll my eyes, throwing a pillow at them. "Come on, kids. We got places to be" Sam said get up from the couch and going to the front door.

"But first we have a present to gift you" Kaitlyn says, smiling. Covering my eyes as we walk out the front. "So we know you've been saving up but we thought we'd help you out a bit. Your mom too." Kaitlyn says as she takes her hands away from my eyes. I open my eyes and the sight infront of me leaves me jaw dropped. "Bro, how? These are expensive as fuck" i mutter, walking up to the car. I look back at them "can I drive it?" I ask, almost pleading. "It is your car" Sam says smiling wide throwing me the keys. "Damn" i mutter getting into the drivers seat and starting it. The engine roaring. I reverse out of the driveway speeding off down the street. "This is insane" i say to myself as I do a u-turn and make my way back home. I park back in the driveway. "You guys are crazy" i mutter, hugging them tightly thanking them.

The day was spent go karting, going to an arcade playing games and bowling. We went and saw the new conjuring movie and even going to watch a soccer game. I really enjoyed today. We're at home now setting up for the party when my phone starts ringing. I see it's my mom so I pick it up

Your mom

"Hey, ma, what's up?"
"Happy birthday, baby!"
"Thankyou mom. When are you coming back?"
"Next week, I promise. I'll be home for all of summer break"
"Okay, I miss you"
"It's that your mom on the phone?" Serenity asks sweetly. "Yeah wanna talk to her?" I ask, handing the phone to her.
"Hi, mrs y/l/n"
"Hunny, please. I told you to call me Mya"
"Sorry Mrs- I mean Mya. How's your trip?"
"It's been good. I'm ready to come home though."
"Yeah of course, it must be tiring. We all miss you."
"You're too sweet, darling. Are you taking good care of my baby?"
"Of course I am. I'm making sure she's enjoying her special day. Anyways, I'll let you get back to talk to
Y/n. It was nice speaking to you."
"You too Hun, take care."
"Here you go, baby" serenity mutters kissing me lovingly.
"Hey Ma"
"Hey baby, I gotta go now. But I just wanted to call and wish you a happy birthday."
"Thankyou, I appreciate that."
"I'll talk to you soon. I love and miss you."
"Love and miss you too, bye mama."

I smile sadly before setting my phone down and getting back to prepping for tonight. I connect my phone to the speaker, playing some music as I walk around the house, double checking everything. Sam and Mindy come barging through the front door carrying alcohol. "There's more in the car" Mindy says, struggling. I laugh to myself making my way to the car, grabbing the rest and carrying inside.

People start flooding in around 8pm. Some gifting presents or money. I'm constantly telling them they shouldn't have. I'm in the kitchen right now making a drink for Serenity and I went her brother, Caesar comes in. "Happy birthday, man!" He says hugging me. "Thankyou" I say smiling. "Come with me, I got a present for you" we go out the back and I see Mindy, Kaitlyn, Serenity and a couple others sitting at the fire pit. Caesar and I go over to them and see this big ass joint. "There's your present, man" he says patting my back. I'm standing there in shock looking at the thing. "Damn, that's big" I say. Mindy laughs pointing at Serenity. "That's what she said". She slaps her hand away, embarrassed. I laugh at the two before sitting down next to my girlfriend.

We light up the J and start smoking it. Tara, Amber and Sam make their way over. Joining us. We're not even half way through and I'm already high off my ass. "I am tapping out for right now" i say, sitting back closing my eyes in bliss. Mindy leans over "beer pong?" She whispers. My eyes shoot open and I look at her. "Absolutely" I smile widely as we both get us running off inside. It's become our thing now to team up for beer pong. And yet again, we're winning 3 cups to go and they haven't hit one yet. We're versing Chad and his gf, laughing as they keep missing. After winning I go sit on the couch for a moment, leaning my head back closing my eyes. "Y/n. You gotta do 17 shots" I hear Kaitlyn yell to me pulling me up to my feet. "You really wanna get me fucked up, huh?" I ask laughing stumbling to the kitchen, feeling all the effects of the weed and alcohol. I down the shots, feeling more and more drunk each one I take. "Damn" i mutter, unable to see straight.

I go sit out sit, taking my shoes and socks off, dipping my feet in the pool. I lean back looking up at the sky, watching it spin. Feeling somebody sit down next to me, I drunkenly whip my head around and see my girlfriend. I smile widely. "Heyyy pretty" I say slurring my words. "You're really drunk, maybe I should get you some water" she says, looking at my face. "I'll be fine, don't worryyy" i mutter, kicking my feet in the pool. "You know, this is a total secret but I'm pretty much in love with you" i mumble, looking at her in a drunken daze. "You're drunk, you're just saying that". She says, smiling sadly. "No ma'am, that is not it. What's that saying again? Drunk words are sober thoughts? Yeah! That's it." I say, my eyes closing as I try and find my words.



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Your car

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