Hard Times

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Winter break just ended, the second semester beginning. This years been moving fast, I'm not really a fan of it. I'm falling asleep when I feel my phone vibrate under my head. I grab it from under my pillow, seeing that Serenity messaged me.

Your Serenity❤️

Your Serenity❤️
Can you please come over?

Your Serenity❤️
I need to tell you something

Is everything okay?

I'll be there soon
Read at 10:37pm


I'm sneaking out to go see Serenity. I jump out of my window, landing in the garden outside. I run to the my car that's parked on the street. Turning it on and speeding off to Serenity's house. I park a couple houses down and make my way to her backyard. I start to climb the tree outside of her window. Throwing myself in her window, out of breath. I find her curled up in her bed, crying softly. "Hey, baby. What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I ask, making my way towards her. "Don't. Just um- sit on t-the chair p-please" she stutters sniffling. "What's going on?" I ask confused, sitting on the chair. "I'm moving, Y/n." She whispers, wiping her eyes. "Moving where? When?" I ask, eyebrows furrowed. "New York. In 3 days." She says, her voice cracking. "No. We- we um. We can make it work. We can d-do long distance. I-I can come visit you every month." I stutter out, running my hands through my hair. Racking my brain for a solution. "Im sorry. Y/n, I can't do long distance" she says, a sob escaping her lungs. "Serenity, please" i mutter, making my way to her. "Are we breaking up?" I ask, a sad smile on my face. Tears falling. "I think so" she mutters, looking into my eyes.
"Can I hold you one last time?" I ask, standing next to her bed with my hand extended out. "She nods, a single tear falling from her eyes. "I love you. Always" i mutter into her head, holding her tight. "I love you too, Y/n" she whispers, voice cracking slightly. I pull away slightly, leaning down capturing her lips in mine. Tasting the saltiness from our tears. "Y-you should go" she whispers pulling away. My heart shattering with each step I take.

I'm sat in my car, still parked down the street from Serenity's house. I turn the car on pulling out of the street. the drive home silent. I walk into the house locking the door behind me. My cheeks tear stained, face blank. I feel numb. I walk upstairs, kicking my shoes off along the way. I walk past my room, going into my moms. Finding her still awake reading a book. "Y/n baby, what's going on?" She asks, putting the book down and taking off her glasses. I crawl under the blankets resting my head on her stomach. "She's moving" i mutter, feeling tears prick my eyes. "We broke up" i add on, my voice cracking. "Oh hunny come here" my mom says, wrapping her arms around me lovingly. Feeling the tears fall freely. My heart aching. "Your first heartbreak always hurts baby. But there's life after love" she says, running her fingers through my hair.

I've barely sleep. I haven't really gone to school and my mom hasn't said anything about it, understanding I need time to process this. Serenity was my first love, to lose that feels like the worlds crumbling around me. I stopped showing up at school a week ago. I was only going like 2-3 times anyways. Mom called them saying I'm taking time off for a holiday. I've shut my phone off, ignoring the world around me.
I look clock on my nightstand, the time reading 10:48am. I sigh getting out of bed, grabbing my keyboard before making my way back to my bed, sitting down. I grab my notebook from my nightstand.
I start to play a slow melody on the keyboard. Sighing deeply, I start singing.

Close the book before it turns to tragedy
Tear the treehouse down, give up the fantasy
Nothin' to regret since the day we met
Glad we took a chance makin' our own world
Perfectly imperfect like it had to be
Who thought that one first kiss
Would turn into two heartbreaks?
'Cause since we were young, I swore
I'd never walk away
I love you so much that I've gotta let you go
It couldn't last forever
And I hope you find better
I can't forget us, can't pretend we ain't broken
It was good together
Now I've gotta let you go

-Kaitlyn pov-
I'm in the lounge room with our friends. Figuring out how we can help Y/n feel better. We're in the middle of talking when we hear faint music. Eyebrows furrowed in confusion, I stand up, carefully making my way towards her room. I lean against the door, Y/n pouring her heart out into this song. My eyes prick with tears, hearing the heartbreak in her voice.

I'll always be in love with who we used to be
I'll save the photographs and keep the memories
The ribbon in your hair, the secrets that we shared
The way that you would stare at me across the room
We laughed until we cried, it feels like yesterday
Who thought that one first kiss
Would turn into two heartbreaks?
'Cause since we were young, I swore
That I'd never walk away
I love you so much that I've gotta let you go
It couldn't last forever
And I hope you find better
I can't forget us, can't pretend we ain't broken
It was good together
Now I've gotta let you go
I'm pickin' up pieces left and right
Now that our hearts are both untied
It'll take time, it'll take time
No one can say we didn't try
I'll think of these days all my life
It'll take time, it'll take time
I love you so much that I've gotta let you go
It couldn't last forever
And I hope you find better, yeah
I can't forget us, can't pretend we ain't broken
It was good together
Now I've gotta let you go

-Back to your pov-

I finish the song, breathing deeply before grabbing my phone and calling someone. "Hey, can you come over?" I ask once they answer. "Oh uh yeah- Yeah, I'm on my way" they reply. I lay back, closing my eyes, Tears threatening to well up. Not even 5 minutes later I hear a knock on my door. "Come in" I yell out. Tara peeks her head in before fully walking in and closing the door behind. "You called" she said with a small smile.


The drama. Anyways it's a bit goofy but hope you still enjoy it.

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