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A few weeks have past since we went over to Tara's.
We've all gotten pretty close and started actually hanging out at school. They have this one girl in the group though that I don't really trust. Something about her is just off putting. She was there at the little pool party thing Tara had. Kaitlyns been staying over since her moms gone off somewhere again. We're currently both getting ready to go to school when Kaitlyn comes running into my room. "Do you wanna drive today? I can't be fucked" she admitted, throwing herself onto my bed. "Get out. I'm literally balls naked right now" I say, grabbing my towel to cover myself again. "Relax, as if I haven't seen it all before" she says rolling her eyes going on her phone. I sigh throwing my towel at her before putting my clothes on.

We say bye to my mom before heading out the door. Kaitlyn throwing the keys to me. Once the cars on and kaitlyns phones connected she turns to me and says with a bright smile "we're picking up Tara by the way". I stop the car and turn to look at her bewildered. "Why?" I ask. "Because we're friends?? Use your brain Y/n. Now step on it, otherwise we're gonna be late" Kaitlyn replies, grabbing some gum and popping it in her mouth before handing me some as well.

We pull into Tara's driveway and kaitlyn throws herself into the back seat, putting the seatbelt on. I look at her and then at the front door, watching as Tara comes out. "Damn" I mumble, I'm stuck in awe as I watch her walk to the car, smiling so bright her dimple is showing. Kaitlyn subtly kicks my chair making me break out of the trance I was in. "Sorry sorry" I murmur, leaning over to open the passenger door. "Good morning" she says, getting into the car. "Morning" I mumble, trying not to let my feelings show. "We'll good morning to you. You look very pretty today. Doesn't she Y/n?" Kaitlyn asks, smiling wickedly at me. My eyes shooting daggers at her before I turn and lock eyes with Tara. "You look beautiful" I admit before putting the car in gear and heading to school.

We pull into the parking lot, songs blasting. When we get out we're met with the rest of the group "hey guys" we say in unison before catching up and walking in together. Before we get through the doors, that girl I don't trust stops us. "Sorry guys, I just have one big thing to show you." She says, smirking at me before going on her phone and sending a mass message to everyone in the school. I look at my phone next to Kaitlyn and see me, getting changed in Tara's room. I'm stuck looking at my screen, shocked at what I'm looking at. I don't dare look up at anybody. "Fuck my life" i mutter, anger building up. "Excuse me" I say, keeping my head down and heading towards the soccer field. I need to get away from everyone right now. "Let her be for now, Tara. Just let her have space" I hear kaitlyn say sadly.

I skip first and second period. Sitting on the bench shocked at what happened this morning. Not able to wrap my head around it. "I'm gonna fuck her up" I mumble, getting up and walking back to the school. Letting my anger build more and more. Just as I get into the halls, the bell for lunch goes off. "Perfect" i say, smiling wickedly as I make my way to our lunch spot. I stand there waiting for them to show. They all come over talking not yet noticing I'm there. Kaitlyn happens to look up and we lock eyes. She's only ever seen me like this once and it was when I found out my dad was taking my money. I hear her say "oh shit" and everyone looks up and sees me, sitting on the table, starring blankly at Quinn. "Heyyy, Y/n/n, why don't we just go for a little walk. Maybe smoke a j?" Kaitlyn asks, trying to stop what she knows is about to happen. I don't stop looking at Quinn "nah, I'm good right now" I say, smiling menacingly.

I get up and slowly walk over to her, everyone watching my every move. "So, Quinn, right?" I ask, standing in front of her. She nods her head, looking up at me, trying to show she's not scared. You like taking photos of people when their naked?" I ask, leaning my face closer to hers. "What are you gonna do about it?" She asks, smirking while she crosses her arms. "I'm gonna fuck you.... Up" I say leaning in to whisper in her ear. Before she can ever register what I said, I throw a punch, hitting her cheek, feeling a crack not knowing if it's her or me. She looks at me angrily. What's this bitch got to be mad about? She tries swinging back but misses. I land another punch on her jaw, watching her head swing to the side. Just as I'm about to swing again I feel her fist connect with my eye and temple. I shake my head, smiling like a psycho before I punch her straight in the nose, feeling the bone break beneath my fist. Blood gushing out before I've even moved. "Do some dumb shit like that again and you'll look a lot worse" i say before grabbing my stuff and walking away.

I'm in the middle of English lit, ignoring everyone and just doing my work when the principal comes storming in with Quinn behind him. "Y/N /Y/L/N. Get out here right now!" He yells sternly. Everyone mumbling things as I walk out, blank face. "What was the meaning of this? Why is she saying you attacked her for no reason?" He asks, grabbing my arm harshly. "Get your hands off me" i say, pulling back. "I didn't 'attack her for no reason' she spread a photo of me and my secret" I said, knowing he knows what I'm talking about. "I'm sorry that she did that to you but we do not condone violence. Quinn you will be suspended for 2 weeks and Y/n you'll be suspended for 4 days and detention for a week when you come back. Understood?" He says sternly, looking at us both. "Yes sir" i mutter, before walking back to class to grab my stuff. As I'm grabbing my things I hear Tara whisper "where are you going?". "Home, I got suspended" i mutter with a weak smile walking out.

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