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I slowly walk home. My moms gonna kill me. I make it to my front door, seeing my moms car in the driveway, I sigh. Unlocking the door I walk in "ma, I'm home" I yell out, nervously. I make my way to the lounge room when I hear her come storming out of her office. "You got into a fight?? Y/n have I not taught you better?" She yells, arms crossed. Her eyes shooting daggers at me. "Mama, I know I'm sorry. She sent a photo of me around school and now everyone knows about my dick" I murmur, running my hands over my face, sighing heavily, moving to sit on the couch. "Baby, I understand how shitty that is, but you can't just go and hurt her because of it" she says, apologetically, sitting next to me. "I'm sorry I made you upset, ma" I mumble, looking down at my hands. "I'm not upset, just a little disappointed" she reassured, kissing my head before getting up. She heads back into her office to continue working. I sigh getting up, deciding to grab my headphone from my room and go workout for a little. I get changed into some shorts and a sports bra and walk back down to our garage.

I work out for a couple hours, just trying to get my emotions out. I'm knocked out of my train of thought when my mom comes and takes my headphones off. "You got some people here who wanna see you" she says with a small smile. I thank her before walking through the house to go to the front door. When I open it I see Kaitlyn, Mindy, Tara, Amber, Chad, Wes and even Sam? Wonder why. "Hey guys, you wanna come in?" i mutter, slightly out of breathe. We all go sit in the lounge room. "What's up?" I ask, looking between everyone. "So, you have a dick?" Amber is the first to speak. Kaitlyn slaps her arm rolling her eyes. I laugh lightly "yeah, I was born with it" I admit, playing with my fingers out of nerves. "Are you a girl?" Chad asks, confusion written on his face. "Yeah. Every other part of me is female, I just got different genitals" i say, not knowing how to word it.

Everyone asks more questions and we all warm up again, cracking jokes. "So how big is it?" Amber asks. I see Sam scold her "you can't just ask someone that" she mutters. "Um I don't know? I haven't really measured it" I mumble, my eyebrows furrowed. "The right thing to do is compare dicks" Chad says proudly. "Dude, I'm not touching dicks with you" i say laughing lightly, everyone joining in.

We all hang out for a little while before someone suggests we go see a movie. I go ask my mom and she said it's fine so I go upstairs to get changed. As I'm taking my shorts off I head the door open "not again" I mumble, putting a hand over my junk. "It's just me" I hear Tara say. "I just wanted to come check on you, properly" she admits, walking into the room. "I appreciate it, truly, but could you turn around please so I can continue getting changed?" I ask nervously.
She sits on the bed facing away from me. "How come you never told us?" Tara asks, kinda sad. "I've known you guys all of 3 months, I wasn't ready to say it yet" I admit, putting new clothes on. "I know it must have been pretty shit when you saw that photo" she says, sincerity in her voice. "It definitely shocked me but I knew it was going to come out at some point" I admit, sitting next to her on the bed. "Has anyone ever seen it?" She mumbles, playing with her fingers. "Kaitlyn has. We've known each other since we were in diapers. We were each others firsts" I admit, looking down smiling slightly. Tara nods her head slowly. "I'm glad you're okay" she says, turning and hugging me tightly. I'm frozen in place for a moment but I reciprocate it. "Thankyou" I mumble, kissing her head out of habit. We pull away, staring into each other eyes. We get lost for what feels like eternity, slowly leaning in before Kaitlyn comes in "ready to go?". We jump apart, clearing my throat "yeah". Just as everyone's walking out the door, I go to my moms office. "We're going now, ma. We'll be home a little later" i say, leaving a small kiss on her cheek. "Be good" she says sternly.
I gulp nodding my head before making my way out of the house.

We're watching some new horror, Tara's really excited to see it.we all grab our snacks and make our way into the cinema sitting down right at the back. "You excited?" I whisper in Tara's ear. She turns to look at me, nodding her head with a bright smile. I smile back, turning to look at the screen, ready for the movie.

The movies not that scary, but it's pretty good. I think Tara loves it. I'm currently in my own world, thinking about anything and everything when suddenly I feel someone lean against me. I look down and see Tara's head on my shoulder, wrapping her arm around mine. I smile to myself before going back to looking at the screen, hopefully paying attention this time.


It's been a couple months since my dick was blasted around school. Almost no one seems to give a shit about it which is good. Though, a couple girls keep trying to get with me which is weird. I'm currently in the middle of soccer practice, talking shit with Kaitlyn when she points to the bleachers. I turn and look, eyebrows furrowed in confusion until I see some girls waving at me. I smile awkwardly, waving back before turning to Kaitlyn mouthing "what the fuck".

When practice is over, Tara comes over to me all happy Chappy. "Hey" she says with a bright smile. "Hey, T" I say back, reciprocating the same smile. "Can I come over this after noon? I miss being with you 1 on 1" she says shyly, looking down at her feet. "Yeah of course, Kaitlyns going out with Mindy this afternoon anyways so it'll be just us" i say with a smile, not realising what I just said. "See you later, y/n/n" Tara says, kissing my cheek before running off. "Go get here" I hear Kaitlyn say pushing me lightly.

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