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It's been a couple months since Serenity and I broke up. I've been slowly healing over time. Tara seems to be around a lot more than she used to be, which i don't fully get. But I can't complain, it's nice having someone there who can distract me when I need it.

Summer break is coming up, the end of my junior year, that's so crazy. I turned 18 two months ago, weird that I'm considered a legal adult now.
I'm sat in maths class, absolutely bored out of my mind when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. Whoever it is, saved me from boredom.

Tara Carpenter❤️

Tara Carpenter❤️
I'm so fucking bored

I think you read my mind

Tara Carpenter❤️
Yeah but you suck at math

That was fucking unnecessary 🙄

Tara Carpenter❤️
You're just a baby

I wanna gonna invite you
to ditch but I don't
think I will anymore😐

Tara Carpenter❤️
Don't be like that! I'm sorry!!

Tara Carpenter❤️
Read at 11:58am

"May I be excused please" I ask, grabbing my bag not really caring what the teacher says. I walk down the hallway towards Mindys classroom. "Sorry to interrupt, Miss. but I just need to borrow Mindy for a moment I say, hoping Mindy gets the idea. Thankfully she does. Grabbing her bag with a smile walking out. We go around and get Kaitlyn, no issues with her too. But Amber, my god, she wanted us to suffer. "Sorry, ma'am can I please borrow Amber? It's important" I say. When she turns away I make a smoking action to Amber, trying to get her to figure it out. Her eyebrows furrowed. "Oh my god" I mumble as she sits in her seat, I think her cogs got stuck or something. I pull out my phone and message her

Goofy Goober🤡

Are you stupid? Get up


She reads the message her face morphing into realisation "ohhhhh" she says out loud, putting her phone away and grabbing her bag. I close my eyes, breathing deeply as she walks towards us with a wide grin. "Let's go" i say, pushing her infront of me, slapping her head. "You're a bit dumb, you know" i mutter. We walk past Tara's class, I wave menacingly. She looks up at us and immediately goes in her phone. I feel mine vibrate if my pocket.

Tara Carpenter❤️

Tara Carpenter❤️

Tara Carpenter❤️
Don't leave me, please😩

I like when you beg :)

I smile to myself turning around making my way back to her class. "Hey Mr. Greene, I need to grab Tara for a moment" I say with a friendly smile. Before he can say anything, she jumps up with her bag, practically running out of the class. We laugh going down the hallway to meet everyone else. Walking out into the car park. Mindy and Amber go with Kaitlyn and Tara comes with me. "Where are we going?" I ask, rolling my window down. "You're so we can smoke up" Mindy says with a smile knowing my moms not there.

We're sitting by the pool right now smoking up. My feet dangling in the nice cold water. "I'm gonna get changed" I mumble, getting up and walking inside. I put on swim shorts and go back outside, dragging a screaming Mindy into the pool with me. "Why me? That's so not fair" she huffs resurfacing. I smile goofily at her before swimming my way over to Tara, her holding the joint. Resting my arms and head on her thighs "you don't have to have some if you don't want" I reassure with a smile. She nods her head, putting it in my mouth, us holding eye contact the whole time.
I think my crush on her is coming back but I don't know. I take a few puffs before going over the Kaitlyn unable to take it out of my mouth because I have wet hands. She grabs it pushing my head away.

We're broken out of our daze when we hear somebody clear their throat. We all snap our head to the back door and find my mom standing there with her arms crossed. "Heyyyy, ma" I say, drawing out the 'y'. "Are you guys ditching right now?" She asks sternly, looking at us all. We slowly nod our heads. "And was it y/n's idea?" She asks, looking at them expectantly. They all nod their heads quickly. "Rats" i mumble. "You guys go ahead and go inside, I'll order you some food" she says with a smile. They all rush inside, Mindy going and grabbing my clothes to change into. "Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N get out of the pool right now" my mom says sternly, her eyes shooting daggers at me. "Yes mom" i mutter getting out of the pool. She walks over and grabs my ear pulling me to the back door. "Get inside and shower. We'll talk later" she says with a light push. "Ow" I say rubbing my ear soothingly walking to my room and going for a shower.

Mindy and Amber left a little bit ago, Tara asked if she could stay over which my mom agreed to smiling. "Y/n can I talk to you in the kitchen please" my mom yells out. I sigh getting up, hoping I'm not about to get my ass handed to me. I walk in and sit on the island. "What's up, ma?" I ask sweetly. "You know I don't care if you guys smoke. But I've told you I don't want you to ditch school just to do it. I'm really disappointed in you." She says, her eyes softening. "I know, mama, I'm sorry. It was just this one time" I admit, playing with my fingers. "Don't do it again, or you'll be grounded for as long as I live" she mutters sternly. I nod my head quickly walking back to the lounge room.

It's 10pn now and I'm feeling a bit tired. I excuse myself saying good night and heading to my room, I get into bed. Putting my phone on my bedside table before falling into a deep sleep. I'm awoken later when I feel someone touching my arm, whispering my name. "Y/n are you awake?" I groan lightly, trying to open my eyes to see who it is. "I am now" i mumble stretching. I look and see Tara, the light from my tv illuminating my room. "Can I sleep with you?" She asks, shyly. "Take me on a date first" i joke before moving over so she can get under the covers. Not realising that she's only got on a shirt and her underwear.

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