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The whole summer Tara and I have been hanging out. We've been getting a lot closer and my crush has come back. Moms been making little comments to us or about us every now and then. Like right now for example, Tara's spending the day at mine and we're out by the pool fucking around. Moms watching us from the back door like a little creeper. "Mom you look like a stalker right now" I yell out to her, laughing. She comes outside walking towards the pool. "You guys are just so cute. You'll have some beautiful babies" she says smiling. "Stop being weird, go inside" i say laughing awkwardly. She shakes her head walking inside. "Sorry, that's embarrassing" I admit, turning towards Tara. "That's okay, not the first time she's said it" she replies giggling.



Sam said you have to come over
Right now

Like right this second?


I guess I'll be there soon🫡

I pull into Sam and Tara's driveway. Parking the car and getting out I burst through the front door. "I was summoned" I yell walking into the lounge room. "Y/n shut up. And get your fucking nasty shoes off my couch" Sam says rounding the corner. "Your sister told me you wanted me to come over? It seemed urgent?" I ask confused, looking at her. "I just wanted to hang out. It wasn't that deep. You could've came over later" she said with a shrug, sitting down next to me. "Why didn't you text me yourself?" I ask, eyebrows furrowed. "I couldn't be fucked" she admits, smiling. I roll myself laughing. "So, I know your secret" Sam says, knocking her shoulder into mine. "You've know for almost 3 years now??" I say confused. "Not that one, stupid. That you like my sister" she says loudly looking at me eyebrows raised. "What? No- no I do not- I mean I-I do but not like that. That's so crazy" I ramble, my cheeks getting hot. "She's not home right now, stop stressing" she says laughing, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Maybe I do like her, I don't know. But now isn't a good time to figure it out. It's my senior year now, Sam. I got too much on my plate to worry about crushes" I admit, running my hands through my hair roughly. "I mean we're already half way through this semester" i mumble. "You don't have to do anything about it, y/n. You have time" she says softly, wrapping her arm around my shoulders. "Now come on, let's go get food" she says getting up with a wide smile, holding her hand out for me.

I didn't wanna say anything to Sam but my moms been really sick lately. She's done tests at the hospital while I've been at school and apparently she's just got a cold. It's stressing me out because I have a feeling that it's not something like that. But I should trust mom that she is okay like she says she is.

It's 10pm now and I decide it's best to head home. As I'm walking out, a car pulls up next to mine in the driveway. One I've never seen before. Getting out is Tara and some guy. I smile awkwardly before heading to my car. "Y/n wait!" I hear Tara shout, making her way over to me. "Can I come over tomorrow?" She asks, hope in her eyes. "I don't think that's a good idea. I got a lot of shit going on. Maybe another time?" I admit, looking everywhere but her. Knowing if I look into her eyes, I'll break. "Oh, okay. See you at school tomorrow" she mutters turning and walking towards her house, holding hands with the guy. She looks back one last time as she walks through her front door, smiling sadly. I sigh pulling out of the driveway and heading home.

I'm laying in bed, unable to sleep. Constantly tossing and turning. I sigh opening my eyes, staring at the ceiling. I go on my phone, going on instagram. I never unfollowed Serenity after she moved. She's still on my mind. She was always the person I went to when things were going wrong. I sigh swiping out of instagram and going to her number. Hesitating before pressing call. Bringing the phone up to my ear nervously.


"Uh hey. It's y/n. I'm sorry for calling"
"No you're um- you're okay. What's up?"
"I miss being able to talk to you"
"Me too"
"I wish we could just meet up right now"
"I'm back in LA for a little"
"Where are you staying?"
"Can I come pick you up? Please?"

I end the call running down the stairs, throwing my hoodie over my head. "I'll be back soon ma, I promise" I yell out, grabbing my keys, locking the door behind me and sprinting to my car. Heart racing as I speed out of the driveway and through the streets of LA to Caesar's.

I pull up to his, seeing Serenity sitting on the front steps. She spots the car and walks over, nervously. I lean over, opening the door for her. She sits in the passenger seat, us just staring at each other. "I miss having you near me" I whisper, hugging her tight, afraid this is all a dream. "Me too" she admits, voice cracking. I pull away, and drive off to a lookout close by.

We pull up, parking the car before getting out, leaning against the hood. "What's going on?" She asks, staring out at the city infront of us. "My moms sick. Like really sick. And she thinks that i don't see it but I do. I know she's trying to shelter me from something but I'm 18! I'm not a little kid anymore. I can handle whatever it is." I say, running my hands through my hair roughly. "And nobody knows, I haven't said anything to anyone. Kaitlyn knows but it's cause she lives with us. But I can't talk to anyone else about it" I finish, playing with my hands out of habit. "So why'd you tell me?" She whispers, turning to look at me. "Cause you were the one person I could tell everything to and not be afraid. I don't have that anymore and I don't know what to do" I admit, looking at her, my voice wavering.
I slowly slide to the ground. Leaning up against the car. "I miss you so much, man." I whisper, tears pricking my eyes. I feel her sit next to me. "Come here" she whispers, pulling me into her. Leaning my head on her shoulder, I let the tears fall freely.

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