Dreams And Nightmares

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We threw the goodbye/good luck party for Serenity. It went great. She told me about my crush on Tara, she could see the way I looked at her, acted around her or just talked to her. She said to let her know when there's any updates on my mom, wanting to know how she is cause she loves her. It was a sad moment but I'm so proud.

It's a couple days later and right now I'm watching a movie when I see Tara ringing me. I pause the movie and answer. "Hey, what's up?" I ask, answering. "Hey, Y/n. Can you come let me in?" She says shyly. I say sure before hanging up and walking downstairs to unlock the front door. "Might as well just give you some keys" i mumble, closing the door behind her. "Shut up" she says shoving me lightly. "What we're you doing anyways?" She asks, following me back up to my room. "Just watching a movie. It's called 'X'. One of the characters actually kinda looks like you" I admit, laying back on my bed. "Is it any good? I've heard good things about it and it's 'sister' movies that are coming out' she says, flopping down next to me. "Hey, take your crusty converses off before putting your feet on my bed" i mutter smacking her lightly. "Okay okay, sorry" she mumbles smiling wide.

The more movies we watched, the closer we got to each other, falling asleep cuddled up. I'm having a weird dream. I'm walking into my childhood home, finding my mom in the backyard by my old treehouse. "Mom?" I call out, my voice echoing slightly. "Hey baby, come sit down" she says, patting the seat next to her. "What's going on?" I ask, looking around confused. "I love you, my child. And I'm so proud of who you are and who you will become. I will always be with you" she says, smiling looking ahead of us. "What do you mean?" I ask, looking at her. "I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer, I tried to, I promise." She says, looking down. "Take care of the girls as they will take care of you. Hold Tara close, don't ever let her go. You have amazing people surrounding you, baby. Remember that... I have to go now. I love you, Y/n. You'll always be my favourite child" she says, placing her hands on my cheek gently, kissing my head before getting up and walking away. Fading into nothing.

I'm woken by my phone blowing up. I groggily grab my phone, checking what's going on. The first thing I see is a text from my grandma "call me asap. It's about your mom". I quickly call her. "Grandma what's going on?" I ask, getting out of bed so I don't wake Tara up. "Your mom, y/n. I'm so sorry" she mutters, sniffling. "Why are you sorry? What's going on?" I ask nervously walking down the stairs to the kitchen. "Your mom, she passed away. I'm so sorry, hunny." She says, getting choked up on her words. Her voice fades out, my heartbeat the only thing ringing in my ears. Dropping my phone, just standing there in the dark kitchen, trying to wrap my head around what I just got told. Grandmas voice ringing through the phone "are you there? Y/n?".

I stumble back up the stairs, barging into Kaitlyns room waking her up. "What the fuck. Bro what are you doing?" She asks, turning her lights on. "Y/n" she says looking at me worriedly. "She's gone" I whisper, looking at the ground. "What? Who's gone?" She asks confused. "Mom. She-she um- s-s-she's- fuck. S-she's d-dead, Kaitlyn" i mutter out, my eyes welling with tears. Clenching and unclenching my fists anxiously, feeling overwhelmed. Kaitlyn comes rushing over to me, hugging me tightly. That's all it takes for me to break down. My knees giving out, falling to the ground, sobbing. Kaitlyn following behind, holding me. "Let it out" she mutters.

After I calm down I tiredly drag myself to my moms room, crawling into her bed. Hearing Kaitlyn call out to Tara, waking her up and telling her what's happened. I hear them talk for a little, before hearing the front door open and close and a car pull out of the driveway. Unable to fall asleep, I just lay there staring at the wall, feeling numb.

Eventually I get out of bed, dragging myself downstairs to the kitchen. Calling my grandma back and talking to her. She told me that mom had a tumour on her heart for more than a year now. When she was found unconscious the doctor told her she only had a couple more months to live. She begged the doctors to not say anything to me because she didn't want me to worry about it all. She wanted me to be happy, continue living freely. I told my grandma about the dream, she said it must have been mom saying her final goodbye.

I'm laying in bed, back facing towards the door when I feel somebody slip in behind me, wrapping their arm around my stomach. "I'm so sorry, my love" I hear Tara mutter into my shoulder. "It's not your fault" i mutter, my voice raspy. I roll over, facing her. I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her in close. Resting my head in her neck. I feel her kiss my head tenderly.

I didn't realise I fell asleep until I feel someone shaking me awake. "Y/n, wake up. You gotta eat" Tara mumbles. I rub my eyes forgetting for a second what's happened. I get upand dragging myself to the kitchen, Tara following behind me. I sit down at the table, eating off of the plate. Not having much because I'm not that hungry. "You don't have to be here, if you don't want to be. Don't feel forced" i mutter, playing with the food on my plate. "I want to be here, trust me"  Tara admits sadly.

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