Beach House

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I've been so busy over the summer break. Working, hanging out with my friends. Spending time with Serenity. We talking about what I said on my birthday and she says she feels the same way which is good. Thank god. Mom has been home like she said but she has to go off to Europe when I go back to school, her and her boss have to go close a deal apparently. I don't ask many questions cause I just want her to enjoy her time while she's home. I've been laying in bed bored out of my mind for the past hour since I woke up, unable to go back to sleep. I decide to finally go on my phone checking my messages.

Your Serenity❤️

Your Serenity❤️
Hey baby, can you come over?

Your Serenity❤️

Is everything okay?

What's wrong??

Your Serenity❤️
I'm home alone

Getting in my car now

"You know we can always go to mine if your parents are home" i mutter, running my hand through her hair as she lays on my chest. "But Kaitlyn is there" she says, moving her head so she can look up at me. "She won't care. She'd probably sleep through it" I admit smiling. "Baby, we are loud, I don't think she'd sleep through it" she says rolling her eyes. "What time is it anyways?" I ask, looking for my phone. "7:43. Why?" She asks, finding her phone and looking at the time. "We're going to my moms beach house today. You're still coming yeah?" I ask finally finding my phone and going on it. "I completely forgot. I can't come, mom and dad get home today and they wanted to go out with Caesar and I" she admits, sadly. "That's okay, baby. We can do something tomorrow. Just you and I" I say, kissing her softly.

I get up, putting my clothes back on, slowly making my way to my car. Not really wanting to leave. She walks me to the front door, just my t-shirt and her underwear on. "Message me when you get home, please" she mumbles against my lips, hands tangled in my hair. "Mhm" i mutter, hands snaking towards her ass, pulling her closer to me. "I'll see you later" she says, pushing my chest lightly. "Fine" I groan smiling childishly. "I love you" I mumble kissing her one last time before leaving. "I love you too" she yells out as I walk to my car.

"You smell like sex" Kaitlyn says as I walk through the front door. "That's crazy. It's like I did have sex" I say laughing throwing myself onto the couch, laying over her lap. "Get off of me, fucker" Kaitlyn mutters, pushing me onto the floor. "Ouch" i mutter, pulling myself up, rubbing my head. "When's everyone getting here?" I yell out, making my way towards the kitchen. "In an hour I think" I hear Kaitlyn yell back as I grab a water bottle from the fridge. "Drainer, okay. I'm gonna workout and shower" I tell her, walking towards the garage.

After working out I went for a cold shower, feeling my muscles relax under the water. I sigh running my hand through my hair, not looking forward to going back to school in a weeks time. Not looking forward to Junior year at all. After what feels like 15 minutes, I get out, drying myself with my towel. Putting my bra and boxers on before walking out. Covering up In surprise. "I didn't think anybody would be in my room" i mutter, looking at Tara. She quickly slaps her hand over her eyes. "Sorry. I should've warned you" she mutters, blush creeping onto her face. "It's okay. It's not like you haven't seen my dick before" I mumble walking towards my closet. Not realising that made her blush a deeper shade of red.

"Frankie broke up with me" she mumbles, looking at her lap, playing with her fingers. "Why?" I ask looking for something to put on. "Cause he took my virginity and that's all he was with me for" she admits, sniffling slightly. "I'll fuck him up" I say, walking towards her after getting changed. "Have you told the others?" I ask, sitting next to her. She shakes her head, wiping her tears. "That's okay. You don't have to if you don't want to" I whisper, wrapping my arms around her. She hugs back, burying her face in my neck as her tears fall freely. "Shh, you're okay, T. Everything's okay" i mutter, rubbing her back soothingly.

"Are we ready to go?" I yell out as we make our way downstairs to greet everyone. "Yeah" everyone says in unison as we make our way to the front door. "Are you gonna take your car as well?" Kaitlyn asks. I look at her smiling wide, nodding my head. "Who's gonna come with me? I can squish 2 people in the back" I admit, opening the passenger door and pushing the seat forward. "I think we'll just go with Kaitlyn" Sam says slowly. Mindy and Amber agreeing. "What do you wanna do?" I ask Tara. "I'll drive with you" she whispers, playing with her fingers.

On the drive Serenity calls up. "Hey can you answer that for me?" I ask Tara. She nods her head, answering the call and putting it on speaker. "Hey babe. I'm in the car with Tara. You're on speaker" i say, keeping an eye on the road. "Oh okay. I just wanted to see how you are, I was worried. You never messaged me when you got home." She admits, sadness evident in her voice. "Oh shit, I'm so sorry. As soon as I got home I went to work out" I admit, sincerity in my voice. "That's okay. Would've loved to see that. But I'm glad you're okay. I gotta go, mom and dad are home. I'll talk to you later. I love you." She says rushing her words out. "That's okay sweetheart. I love you too" I say before pressing the end call button. "When did you guys start saying that?" Tara mumbles, looking out the passenger window. "I don't know, 3 months ago?" I admit, trying to figure out how long it's been since my birthday. I see her nod her head slowly in my peripheral.

"Y/n this place is sick" Amber says, looking around the house. "Thanks, it's my moms" i say stupidly, smiling wide. We put our things down, walking onto the back deck, looking out at the view. "Why's there a pool of its at the beach?" Sam asks, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I shrug walking out onto the sand, ready to go into the water. I feel Kaitlyn come up behind me, "last one there has to cook lunch" she says, sack tapping me before running. I bend over, holding my dick. "That's not fucking fair you cheater" I yell out in pain.

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