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I'm pacing back and forth in the hospital, waiting not so patiently for the doctor to tell me what's going on. I feel my phone ringing in my pocket, pulling it out I see Serenity is calling. I pick up, my breathing heavy.
"Y/n? Are you okay?" She asks after a moment of silence. "Moms in the hospital" i mutter. I hear her voice but I can't hear the words she's saying. She hangs up shortly after. "Please let everything be okay" i mumble, running my hands through my hair as I sit down, knee bouncing erratically.

"Y/n" I hear someone yell, I turn and see Serenity running in. "Is everything okay? What's going on? Where's Mya??" She asks, crouching down her hands on my forearms, staring deeply into my eyes. "You came" i mutter, my eyes becoming glossy. "Serenity?" I hear Kaitlyn ask, walking up to us. "Hey" she says, bringing Kaitlyn into a tight hug. "What are you doing here?" Kaitlyn asks, confused. "Y/n called. I'm staying at Caesars right now" she admits, smiling sadly. "Mya y/l/n?" We hear someone call out. I shoot out of my seat walking over to the doctor. "You're mom is okay. She was just dehydrated and hadn't eaten much in a couple days. Her body was just exhausted" he says with a sad smile, patting my shoulder. "When can she leave?" I ask, relieved that that's all it was. "The nurses are bringing her out in a wheelchair now. Make sure she eats and drinks" he says walking away. I run my hand through my hair, letting out a shaky breath. "Fuck" I mumble, a tear rolling down my cheek. I feel a hand interlock with mine. Looking down I see Serenity's hand. "Everything's okay" she says, rubbing her thumb over my knuckles.

It's been a few weeks since that night and moms been looking a bit better. She's taken time off of work to just relax. "I think I'm gonna go visit my mom" ma says walking into the lounge room where I am. "Do you want me to come?" I ask, turning to look at her. "No no, it's okay. You stay here, keep going to school" she says sternly, grabbing her phone out to call Grandma. "Hey mom, is it okay if I come visit?" She asks, sighing.

"Okay baby, I gotta head off now. My flight is in a couple of hours. I love you. I'll be back in 2 weeks. Be good" she says hugging me. "When have I ever not been good?" I ask smiling cheekily. "Tell grandma I love her and I'll see her sometime soon. Enjoy your little time away. Let me know when you land" i say, walking out with her to her taxi. I watch as she drives away. Pulling out my phone when the car disappears.

Gremlin👹😍- Tara
Psycho📸- Amber
Mother Stealer🤺- Kaitlyn
Bestie🫶🏼👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾- Mindy
Older Woman🤩- Sam

Friends With(out) Benefits

Y/n Is The Best
Party at mine tonight?

Y/n Is The Best
Be there or be square👊🏼

Older Woman🤩
You're so annoying

Mother Stealer🤺

I'm literally not crazy

What did I do to
deserve this fucking name?


I wake up with a killer hangover and someone in my bed with me. I turn my head confused, only to find serenity knocked the fuck out beside me. Face smooshed into the pillow and her hair going everywhere. I laugh to myself before going on my phone looking through my camera roll to figure out how last night went.

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