New Friends

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Tara and I are laying on my bed watching a new show that came out on Netflix. Haunting Of Bly Manor I think is the name. We've been slowly getting closer to each other to the point where now her head is on my chest and my arms are wrapped around her securely.
The episode ends and she leans up "food break?" She asks shyly. I get lost looking into her chocolate eyes leaving my speechless. All I can do is nod my head.

Slowly we're both leaning in, our eyes flutter shut as our lips connect in a tender kiss. Feeling fireworks erupt as our lips move in sync. We break apart for air. She's about to talk but I lean back in, wanting more. This time the kiss is deeper, hungrier. She rolls on top of me, sitting herself on my laps, her hands wrapping around my neck, tangling themselves in my hair. My hands find their way to her waist, holding tight, hoping this isn't a dream. Our make out is cut short by my phone ringing. I groan looking over to see who it is and notice it's my mom. I grab my phone and answer the call "hey mom, what's up?" I ask as Tara gets off of me, rushing to grab her things. "Hey baby, I'm gonna be home late tonight. I'm stuck at work. Don't wait up" she says, before telling me she loves me and hanging up. "I think I'm- uh I'm gonna go home" Tara mutters already half way out of my room. "Oh yeah no, yeah it's getting late" I say, my heart aching slightly. She doesn't say another word just rushes out of my house and into her car.

The next few days at school are weird. Tara's avoiding me, and won't even acknowledge me in the group or in class. Nobody seems to realise which is good, but if still hurts. I've decided I'm gonna talk to her this afternoon and see what's going on.

Im walking to Tara's locker, hoping to find her there. And I do, but I see something that makes my chest tight. She's making out with some guy. "See you later for our date, babe" he yells out walking away. I walk up to her, determined to talk. "So, boyfriend huh?" I ask, my tone friendly. "Oh- uh, yeah." She mumbles, grabbing her things. "That's so cute" I say, forcing it through my teeth. "Look, I'm sorry about the other day, Y/n. It shouldn't have happened. You and I are just friends." She says, not looking at me. That hurt to hear but she doesn't get to know that. "I agree. It was a mistake. Just friends" I say, smiling innocently before walking away.

Her and 'Frankie' have been in my face everyday for the past couple of weeks. Everyone in the group doesn't seem to like him all that much but deal with it for Tara. My mom hasn't been home in a couple weeks, told me she's on a business trip right now and it was very last minute. "Party at mine tonight" i say, smiling wickedly. "Mom still on the business trip?" Kaitlyn asks, confused. "Yeah, says she'll be away for another month" i say, reading her text message. Everyone agrees to come over at 7. I send out a mass message to the school about it, everyone getting hyped for the party.

It's 8pm right now and everyone's flooding my house. There's people inside, out the front and in the back yard. I'm with Mindy, Kaitlyn and a couple others in the backyard smoking weed. I look around and notice someone I don't recognise. "Hey, who are you by the way?" I ask, eyebrows furrowed. "I'm Caesar, I go to North High" he says, holding his hand out. I shake it happily. We all start talking, finding out that Caesar is a dealer and graduates highschool next year. I trade numbers with him telling him he's always welcome to come to a party I'm at. "If you ever need anything, let me know" he says with a smile. I ask if he's got anything good on him right now and he admits he's got some coke to test out. I've never had it but I'm willing to try. Him and I take some while everyone else taps out. Mindy and Kaitlyn watching me closely.

"I'm fine guys, relax" I say, going into the kitchen and making myself a drink. "You just took Coke for the first time how do you know you're fine?" They ask, following me closely. "I think something would be wrong by now if it wasn't good" i say, matter of factly taking a gulp of my drink.

"Mindy, wanna be my teammate for beer pong? Kaitlyn sucks" I say, laughing at the offended face Kaitlyn makes. Mindy agrees and we make our way into the dining room where it's set up. "Who wants to verse us?" I yell out. I see Frankie and one of the football players step up to the table, Tara hanging on his arm. I set my jaw. "Alright, boys, let's go" Mindy yells out as we set up the table, grabbing our liquor of choice and pouring it in the cups.

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