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"Hello Ms. Ishita, I am calling from St. Edward's School. I want to talk with you regarding your son. Can you please come to the school?" The principal of St. Edward's called her.

"Is everything okay Mrs. Mittal?"

"Yes everything is fine. I just want to meet you and it's kind of urgent as it is related to your son. I want to discuss something regarding him."

"Okay, I am coming." Ishita disconnect the call and stood from her chair. She started to pack her bag hurriedly.

"Where're my car keys?" She started to find her car keys. She doesn't know why her son's principal called her like this and what urgent work she has with her.

"Ish I was thinking to start one foreign language for children. It will be beneficial for children in near future. What do you say?" He asked her while she was busy finding her car keys.

"Did you say something to me Rehan?" Ishita said while searching her car keys still

"What happened? What are you searching for?"

"I am looking for my car keys. Do you know where it is?" Ishita said while bending a little

"Yes, it's with me. Here" He said showing the keys to her while she just look at him with raised eyebrow and giving him look 'Can't you tell me earlier' Rehan gave her his sheepish smile.

"By the way where are you going?" Rehan asked her in confusion

"Kiaan's principal called me so I am going to his school" Ishita said taking her car keys in his hand and went outside from her cabin as Rehan also followed her

"Wow Ish now what my smart boy did? I think this time he solved 10th class math's sum. What do you think?" Rehan said while laughing and Ishita turned around to look at him and took a deep breath

"Rehan you know that he is still a kid and I don't want anyone to look at him like some genius. He is just in nursery class." Ishita said coming outside the building and unlock the car door.

"Okay okay fine. You want me to join you there?"

"No Rehan, you just take care of the things here and I will manage there. Will discuss also what you said to me earlier. That's a good thought actually." Ishita said smilingly to him and he just nodded his head.

She took the seat of driving and sits inside the car. After locking the car door she start driving the car while thinking how fast her life changes. From Mrs. Ishita to Ms. Ishita she becomes. From someone's wife to a single mother of a child. From therapist to an owner of the orphanage. From Philippines to Shimla.

Everything got changed just in one night. One single night changed her life for forever. In these 2 years she didn't contact with anyone there except her aunt manager. Her journey is not as easy as we all are witness. Her life became more tough and challenging after she got to know that Joshua wants to divorce her.

He was with some other girl when she was praying for his safety. She was honest with him while he was cheating on her. She was in love with him while he was.....can't say anything if he even loved her or not....

Her life was a mess but when Kiaan came in her life everything became easy for her. I know nothing is easy but Kiaan showed her the path, Kiaan was the one who gave sunlight to her dark life. He is the one who always with her when she had no one. Kiaan is the one with whom Ishita got motivated.

Kiaan is her 4 years old son. He is a kid but at the same time he is a mature boy. Smart and intelligent. He has his different style, different taste, and different behavior. Everything is just different about him. He wears clothes stylishly, he walks like a king, and he can't hear anything bad about his mother. If Ishita cries then he cries too. He does every single thing which made his mother smile. He don't like rose flowers but every morning he gave her mother one rose flower as he knows how much she loves roses.

This thought made her smile. She enters in Kiaan's school and parked her car which she owned with her hard earned money. She opens the door of her car and come outside of it. She took her bag from backseat and locked the car. She started to walk to principal's office and stood outside of the office. She took a deep breath and knock on the door. She heard the faint voice of female saying her to come in. She opens the door and smiled looking at the principal who reciprocate the same way just like Ishita did.

"Hello Ms. Ishita, please come in and sit" Kiaan's principal Mrs. Mittal said politely. Mrs. Mittal is in her 40s and simple woman. She has the spark on her face which shows how calm she is when she smiles but on the other hand if she looks angry then that calm spark turns into dangerous aura. Well, every principal are like this. They need to show anger sometime to discipline the children.

"Do you like to want some tea coffee or juice?" Mrs. Mittal asked very politely to her which Ishita denied calmly by waving her hand.

"No-no Mrs. Mittal I am fine. What happened by the way? Why have you called me like this?" Ishita directly came to the point. She just wanted to know her son's well-being. It's not like that Kiaan is naughty and don't pay attention in his class or he always end up his day beating his classmates. He is well mannered boy who is disciplined in his class, sometimes naughty but always paid attention to what his teacher is teaching. He is intelligent as he solved the sums of his senior's student. Never for once Ishita heard any complaints from her teacher or principal. He is a topper in his class, good in sports, well behaved boy.

That is the reason if her son is good in everything then why principal ma'am called her this urgently. She looks at her face and saw her taking a deep breath. She dialed a number and called someone saying "Mrs. Anuradha will you please come in my cabin with Kiaan. His mother is here." She said and disconnects the call.

Mrs. Anuradha is Kiaan's class teacher. Ishita knows everything about this school and the staff. Kiaan is the most famous personality in St. Edward School which she didn't like a bit. For her, he is a baby who just started growing and started learning but according to his teachers, principal and other students he is a genius.

"What happened ma'am? Is everything Okay? Did he do something? Tell me please."

"Ms. Ishita we all know that he is a well-mannered boy and I always said to other students that they could learn something from this 4 year old boy but today what he did was not appreciable." Principal said to her and now she became restless as she doesn't know what he did this time.

"What do you mean ma'am? What did he do?"

"He didn't complete his essay which his class teacher said to him. He even beat a student in his lunch time. Not even one but he beat two boys. One is from his class and another one are from 2nd class. We never saw him like this. Mrs. Anuradha even asked him the reason but he is not ready to tell us nor is he saying sorry." Mrs. Mittal said this while Ishita became confused as this is the very first time she is hearing something bad about her son. She was sitting while thinking what might be the reason he did this and why did he not complete his essay when he always does his homework on time?

She was thinking all these things when the office door opened and here comes Mrs. Anuradha with Kiaan. 

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