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"Ishita, are you sure you want to live separately?" Mrs. Santos asked me while I was busy thinking.

"Do I have a choice?" I said gloomily. I can't see her face as I was so engrossed looking outside the window. My back was facing her as I was sitting on my old bed which is in my old room. My old house; the only one accepted me with arms wide open.

"Ish, you know that you can live here. This is your house."

"Till when?" I said and there was a pin drop silence in my room. No one spoke with each other.

"How long will I be dependent on someone? When I came here you supported me. You provided me this house, love, job everything. After I get married I started to depend on Joshua. Till when should I be needing support from someone? Look at me aunt, I again got broke and who broke me? The one whom I loved the most. I still love him aunt. I don't know the reason why he is pushing me away and far from him. I don't know the reason aunt. But I can say that he is regretting even meeting me. I saw him with some lady aunt. What if I lived here and he get married with that lady then? Will I be able to handle it?" I said it all this looking into her eyes and tears was there to tell me that she is hurt whatever is happening with me. I am hurt too. I just can't rely on someone every time.

Even if a person becomes independent after gaining everything they have to, still, a person needs someone to whom he/she can rely on but I don't want to be that burden again. I have decided what I need to do now.

"But atleast tell me where are you going?"

"Once I reach there I will tell you and I promise you that I will be in contact with you. I need to go and catch my flight. Bye" I said as I hugged her one last time. I don't know after I reach there I will be able to meet her or not.

God, if you are there then please take care of Aunt Santos, Mom, Rosa, Layad and Joshua. Please take care of everyone.

I came out from her warm embrace and took my stuff and went outside. I already booked the cab so the driver was already waiting for me. Once I settled inside the cab, I looked at her one last time. I looked at my house one last time. I will miss her, I will miss everyone here. Specially Joshua. Cab driver started the car and slowly slowly everything got blur.


"Di, you okay?" I came out from my past and looked at Rehan who was standing in front of me with concern in his eyes. I looked around and saw that it is night time and Kiaan already was asleep in my arms. It's cold outside and here I am, sitting in a garden.

I was about to get up when my eyes fell on my baby. My baby, my world, my everything.

"Di, let me help you." Rehan said and took my sleepy baby from my hand. We both came inside the house with my sleepy boy. We made him sleep in his room and we both came out. We both came inside the kitchen.

"Were you thinking about your past?" Rehan asked me while I put the pan on the stove to make a ginger tea for both of us.

"Everyone laughed at Kiaan by saying he has no dad." I said and put 2 spoons of sugar.

"But he has no dad and you know that." Rehan said and I stopped in the middle.

"But still I am his mother and my husband is his father, Rehan."

"That husband who don't even care about you Di." He said with concern in his eyes.

Whether I like it or not, what Rehan said was right. He never contacted me. He didn't even try to find me. It's painful to think this but this is the sad truth of my life. I don't know whether he married again or not. I just want happiness in his life and in my life too.

"Leave it. It will be of no use if we talk about my past. I have to move on and I am moving on with my Kiaan. That's all I want in my life." I said by looking at him. He looks sad. He hugged me from behind and I know something is bothering him.

"Now tell me what is bothering you? Aradhna?" I asked him and he nodded his head.

Aradhna is the girl whom he loves the most. His sisters' sister-in-law. She lives in Mumbai with her family.

"Missing her?"

"Day after tomorrow is her birthday. I really miss everyone in my family but....."

"But you can't go there because you don't want to face her. Right?"

"Right. I don't want to see her with someone else. Yesterday, di video called me and told me to come there to meet everyone but I said no to her. We both were talking when I saw Aradhna. I was happy to see her after so long but then that bastard came and hugged her. I got so furious that I rudely cut di's call. Since then my mood was not good."

"Hmm, I guess you should go there." He looks at me like two horns grew on my head instantly.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked him as he still looks at me

"I-I can't. I..."

"Why not? Tell me honestly what if there was some misunderstanding? What if she still loves you? What if someone else wanted to break you both?" I explained so many what ifs because this is not the solution, what Rehan is doing, by staying away from his love.

"What if Joshua is still in love with you?" He asked me another question which numbs my soul. Is it possible that Joshua is still waiting for me after what I heard from him?

"Did you ever hear her saying that 'I don't love you and I am in love with someone else?' I guess no. But I heard him saying that 'I will divorce Ish'. Now you tell me how our story is similar?" I asked him while he started to think about it.

"Look Rehan, if you sit here like this then you will lose her forever. If you go there then maybe you will get her back again. Even you also will get to know about her feelings more. It's been 2 years since you are here. It's enough now. You are going tomorrow." I said to him. He first started to think what I said and then he looked at me with one eyebrow raised

"Are you ordering me?" He squinted his eyes and I made a puppy face.

"What? I just realized you your love." I said and looking here and there.

"By the way, to whom you were talking three days back?" He asked me and I know what he is talking about. It was a call from his sisters. They both were requesting me to make him go back at their house. When he came nearer I disconnect the call. That's the reason he is asking me about that call.

"What are you thinking?" He asked me squinting his eyes

"I am thinking about calls which I get from last three days. Which call you are talking about?"

"Leave it nothing. I can't go tomorrow as Mr. Joy are coming here at 1 PM." Rehan informed me and then I remember that he is coming to meet orphan children. I totally forgot about him.

"You should go Rehan. I will handle everything here. Don't worry about it." I said to him. I know it's important to make him go at his house. I can't let him stay here for long.

"Then after attending tomorrow's meeting, I will go. Tomorrow you are going to Kiaan's school remember?"

"Wait, how did you get to know that I will go to school?"

"Come on di, I know you. It's Kiaan's matter and you are not going to leave it this easy. So I assumed that you will go tomorrow and my guess is right." He passed me his victory smile and gives himself a proud pat at his own shoulder to which I rolled my eyes.

"So, it's final that after meeting with Mr. Joy you will take a flight and go to Mumbai." I said and he nodded his head and took a deep breath.

I hugged him tight and pat his back. I know how much he needs support. He is like a brother to me and I promised him that I will be with him whenever he needs my help.

"Let's go, I will make dinner for us and I need to make Kiaan eat too." I said and we both started to make dinner and enjoying tea too.

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