PART 1 - Joshua's Injured Arm

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Joshua POV

It is currently 12 am all the other members left an hour ago but I stayed back as I needed to practice because this choreography is tricky for me all the members are perfectly good and fine with the choreography but I was the only member having problems so I stayed back to practice and get the hang of the choreography.

Time skip to 12:30am

I was practicing but then my left arm started aching I thought it was aching because the choreography for  our new song requires a lot of hand movement so I did not think much of it and continued practicing but the aching did not stop it was so bad that I felt like chopping my left arm off of my body so I decided that tomorrow I will make up an excuse to skip the practice and go see the doctor. 

I decided not to tell the members about it because I do not want them to worry about me and focus on perfecting the choreography and making this comeback as a gift to Carats we really love our fandom they are the best they support as so much that I feel grateful for having them so I want this comeback to be a gift for our dear fans.

Time Skip to 12:50 am

I reached the Seventeen dorm I went to my room and I freshened up because I was sweating so much and as soon as I got on the bed I immediately fell asleep because I was tired from practicing and my left arm was aching so badly.

Time Skip to 6:30 am 

I was peacefully sleeping when someone woke me up I look and see DK

Dk - Yah! Shua hyung why are you still sleeping you should get ready for practice it is already 6:30 am

Me - What it is already 6:30 am??!!

DK - You think I am lying to you huh?

Me - No I am just shocked that's all

DK - Now get ready palli palli (palli - fast in Korean )

Me - Yeah

DK- Shua hyung usually gets up earlier than most of us what happened to him today?

Joshua's mind - I have to make up some excuse so I can go to the doctor today but what? I will ask our manager yes that is the best idea.

Joshua - Hyung I need to tell you something

 Seventeen's manager - Yes Joshua what is it?

Joshua - While I was practicing yesterday my left arm started aching so badly that I wanted to chop it off and I don't want to tell the members about it because they will worry about me so can you make up an excuse so I can go see the doctor?

Seventeen's manager - Yes of course but Shua do not overwork yourself ok if it is something serious let me know immediately ok?

Joshua - Yes hyung thank you so much

Seventeen's manager - you do not need to thank me Shua 

Joshua - Yes hyung

End of Joshua's POV

No one's POV

Seventeen's manager makes up an excuse for Joshua and tells the members he cannot attend practice today. Dk had a doubt but he did not think much about it.

End of No one's POV

Joshua's POV

I reached the doctors clinic and I told the doctor everything. After  examining everything he said that my arm is strained badly and I should let it rest.

I should not let this stop me from practicing

End of Joshua's POV

No one's POV

Joshua reached home and told the manager everything but little did he know that all the seventeen members were behind him shocked that Joshua had hidden this from them. They were mad at him but they knew why he took the decision and were all willing to not let him practice. Joshua did not know this and when he turned around he was shocked looking at all the seventeen members behind him.

After this Joshua got a lecture from S.coups being the typical leader he is and he was banned from practicing the choreography until his arm was completely healed.

End of No one's POV

Words- 673 


I am working on the current requests I am not sure if the people who requested will like the plot but I will update soon thank you.

- By Anonymous Author-nim

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