Dino - Drunk Driving

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Requested by - zyanneherrero

Dino POV

I heard S.Coups hyung calling my name, so I went to the living room to see all the members gathered there and then I saw S.Coups hyung he looked mad it made me scared.

He then pointed to me and asked me if I broke the frame of our group photo as it was shattered, I looked shocked and told him I had nothing to do with it and I never even went near the photo frame, but be didn't seem to believe me and replied well none of the members did it so it must be you and also you took a lot of time coming out from your room since I called you you must have been figuring out a lie to tell to us so we will believe that you were not the one who broke the photo frame.

I looked at him hopelessly trying to tell him that I wasn't the one who broke the frame but it didn't work well what did I expect it was 12 vs 1, I just left the living room, I was really sad and hurt by their words so I took my car keys as I went out of the dorm to clear my mind.

I reached my destination, I bought about 3 bottles of soju and sat down outside the convenience store as I started gulping down the shots own by one and soon I was finished with all the 3 bottles and I was so drunk that my vision was blurry since I was not in my right mind I did not realise I was not supposed to be driving while being drunk, I got into my car and started to drive and soon everything went pitch black.

I opened my eyes and was soon hit by the very bright light which made me close my eyes again and blink a lot to adjust to the bright light I looked up to see a nurse as soon as she saw me opening my eyes she immediately ran out of the room to call the doctor then the doctor came into my room and did some check ups and told me that I was very lucky that I didn't have any major injuries or else I could have been seriously harmed, I felt thankful then the doctor continued he said you had drank a lot of alcohol you should not drink that much it will be harmful for your health and then after drinking you should not drive you could get into an accident much worse so many people have lost their lives because they were drunk driving so listen to my advise you look young and you have a long life to live with saying that he left the room and the nurse also went out of the room along with him, then all the members came into the room slowly one by one, it was quite big so it could fit us all, they looked at me with guilt and concern in their eyes.

S.Coups hyung spoke up Dino yah I'm so sorry for accusing you without any proof, I should have atleast listened to what you were saying but I didn't pay attention and kept scolding you but I didn't think that it would affect you that much that you'd drink 3 bottles of soju then drive and get into an accident what if something serious had happened to you it would hurt us all very much, we love you your our baby Maknae and we always wish for your best.

I sighed as I spoke up Hyung I accept your apology and it was my fault that I drank so much and got into an accident I regret it of course but I'm being honest with you right now I really really really didn't break the group picture if I did I would have told you already seeing that you were so mad, everyone is scared when you are mad even Carats say that and I know all of the members love me and always wish the best for me and you guys will always be my Hyungs who protect me and also bully me and Mingyu hyung, we are always the victims of your bullying.

Then Hoshi hyung spoke up so if you didn't break the group picture then who did because everyone said they didn't do it and if it's this serious the person who broke it would have confessed by now.

Then I saw our manager looking shocked and entering my room, then he spoke up member deul I was the one who broke the photo frame that's why I was given to bring a new one I honestly thought that you guys would be chill with it I never thought it'd be so serious that you guys accused a member of doing and the member who was accused being so hurt that he went and drank so much alcohol and then got into an accident because he was drunk driving, I am sincerely sorry and I hope you accept my apology and I have kept the photo frame in the dorm, as I saw none of you were there I asked the landlord where guys were then they told me Dino had got into and accident so immediately rushed here.

All the members were shocked including me so the culprit was not one of the members but the manager wow I'm pretty sure no one expected it to be our manager who broke the group picture.

We accepted his apology and I was feeling quite hungry so I asked if they could bring me food, everyone tried to go all at once but the one who succeeded was the evil mastermind Jeonghan hyung he just tricked them saying that I was in severe pain and as they all turned to look at me he just ran away to go and get me food looking at the members dum founded faces I burst into laughter as the room filled with laughter as well.

Soon Jeonghan hyung returned with food as I quickly gobbled up my food as the doctor said I could get discharged probably at like 4 or 5 pm so I was grateful that I did not have to stay in the hospital for so long because who even likes staying at the hospital.

Then the day went by quickly as the manager adjusted the cost of the medication bills as the he had the company card for emergencies.

Then we went to the dorm as we had dinner and slept peacefully.

A few days went by and all my injuries had healed and I felt much better.

End of Dino's POV

Words- 1130

Guys I'm so so sorry for not updating these days like I don't know what happened to me I opened wattpad clicked on the pen icon and just like exited as soon as I clicked on it I didn't want to write like idk why I've been having a lot of writer's block lately.

Thank you so so much for 14k and 180+ votes I'm really thankfully and thank you for reading me book

Love you guys 💗💗💗💗

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