Mingyu - Ignored

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Requested by - @Kylaluvslesserafim

Mingyu POV

I have been feeling really sick for the past few days, I didn't tell the members because I didn't want to trouble them as they are also really busy and not so well. Today I couldn't control it I was feeling really really tired so I decided to tell all the members because I can't keep on being sick anymore.

I called all the members to the living room to tell them about me being sick.

Everyone came one by one and finally all the twelve of them came to the living room. I told everyone about my sickness but no one seemed to care they all just ignored my words. I felt really sad because they didn't care about me even though I was sick. 

I went to our manager instead so he could take me to the hospital. I told everything to our manager he said that he would tell the members to take me seriously but I told him not to, I don't want to trouble anyone because their really stressed.

I was acting fine in front of the manager but inside I'm broken I thought that the members cared about me, not even one of the members cared that I was sick and they all just ignored me?

The manager said that he was busy right now so he would take me to the hospital after some time, so I went to my room and cried silently so no one heard me.

Then after some time the manager called me so we could go to the hospital so I washed my face so no one would suspect that I cried or something and put on some casual but nice looking clothes and went to the manager.

I saw some members chatting with each other, I went right in front but they didn't ask me where I was going they didn't even spare a glance at me.

I was really hurt by their actions, I don't know what I did wrong to make them act like this though.

I wish they could at least tell me what I did wrong so I could fix it, I really feel heartbroken because of the members.

I thought that at least Seungcheol hyung would care if I was sick as he is the leader but even he ignored me.

I brushed of all my thoughts and got in the manager's car and he started driving me to the hospital.

We reached the hospital and we had to wait some time to meet the doctor as there were some other patients waiting before me.

After some time it was my turn to visit the doctor so I went in.

The doctor asked me what all symptoms I had and what has been happening to me the past few days. I told him everything that has been happening to me for the past few days, he told me that my temperature is really high and to see what type of fever I had they had to do a blood test.

Then the nurse collected my blood so they could test it, now I had to wait for about 20 minutes to get the report.

I went out and told my manager everything.

After 20 minutes the report came and the doctor said I had typhoid fever. (Which is a bacterial infection that can spread throughout the body, affecting many organs. Without prompt treatment, it can cause serious complications that can be fatal. It's caused by a bacterium called Salmonella typhi, which is related to the bacteria that cause salmonella food poisoning.)

The doctor checked my temperature again it was 102.8 degree F so they said that I had to get drips and needed to stay in the hospital until my fever was completely gone, he told me it could have gotten worse if I didn't get it checked and also if I had come earlier it would have cured earlier.

The manager was in the cabin with me and he said that he needed to inform the members and the company.

Then the nurse led me to my ward.

After a some time Seungcheol hyung came into my ward and started apologizing for ignoring me, he started crying because he felt really bad that I had to go through it alone and he didn't even care he said that he was a bad leader. He told me the reason everyone ignored me was because a month ago I had done a prank on them about being sick so everyone thought that me being sick this time was a prank as well.

I then said that I was sorry for pranking them and that Seungcheol hyung is not a bad leader according to me he's the best leader ever.

Then one by one all the members came and apologized to me.

After 2 days staying at the hospital, I was getting discharged but I still had to take some tablets and all. I had to rest for about 2 weeks till I can do a lot of physical activities.

I was now doing fine and all the members too.

End of Mingyu's POV

Words - 836


Sorry for the late update, I was busy over the weekends as I was not at home from this Saturday we have 12 days holiday so I will update more frequently.


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