Hoshi - Fainting on Stage

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Hoshi POV

We just finished preparing for tomorrow's concert now we are going to eat dinner in some restaurant, I forgot the name hehe.

We arrived at the restaurant, we went in then after settling in we ordered whatever we want.

After dinner I was feeling really dizzy, I just assumed that it was because we had been practicing for about 6 hours and since we were performing our new song in the concert for the first time we needed to get all the formations right.

Then we reached the dorm, I went straight  to my room freshened up and just slept because I was feeling really tired and dizzy.

I woke up in the morning and I was still feeling tired.

I do not want to tell the members then they will worry and not let me perform, I do not want to miss performing our new song in a concert for the first time.

I got ready then went to the living room.

We then left for the venue where the concert is being held, We then practiced all the songs we were performing today in the concert.

We then took a break then chatted about random things.

We started practicing again, I was feeling dizzy but then I just ignored it and I did not want to seem suspicious.

Then after sometime we went to get ready for the concert.

We finished getting ready except for Mingyu.

I honestly do not understand this guy, why is he so troublesome and then he gains sympathy from Carats by telling them I bullied him like in Don't lie.

The concert started we all went on the stage we performed 2 songs before the new songs now I was extremely dizzy.

We started performing the new song then everything around me started going black then I just collapsed.

I woke up backstage where all the members were looking at me worried.

Then S.Coups hyung said 

Yah did you know you were sick?

uhhhh well uh I did

Then he said then why wouldn't you tell me? You know how worried we were when  we saw how you just collapsed on  stage.

I'm sorry hyung I should have told you but I did not want to miss performing our new song.

Then he gave me some boring lecture the same one he gave to Jeonghan hyung then after he finished me and Jeonghan hyung looked at each other sighing.

The concert then went on because Carats paid for it so they performed without me.

I then took 2 days to recover and everything went on normally.

End of Hoshi's POV

Words - 410


Thank you for reading

The next one is about The8 it's quite interesting I will say you will find out.

I think I will upload the The8  one tomorrow I will write it right now but update tomorrow.

I have to update my Mingyu book too so yeah.

Please look forward to the next chapter and please make sure to request I have 0 ideas after the The8 one so yeah.

Bye have a nice day!!!!

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