Mingyu - Accident

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Requested by- divuui

Mingyu POV

Currently all the members and I were in our dorm just chatting about random things and if the fans will like our new song which was released recently called "God of Music". We continued chatting for a while before 1 particular topic came out which pissed me off real bad, I mean it's fine if they want to joke about it but like now it's serious, no one isn't caring what I feel about it they just keep on talking as if it's not important to me at all, look we rarely have any fights since we have been together for a very long time, I don't want to start a fight but they are really provoking me and they know it's a sensitive topic to me which I really don't want to think or talk about.

Well if you are wondering what is the topic about, it's about my health they think that I should rest and take a break for a while, apparently I have low blood in my body which gets me tired easily so I should eat ,sleep and rest properly, but the fact that is pissing me off is that they keep forcing me to eat vegetables and fruits and they act like I am a child who is sick and can't do anything by himself and they want me to take a break from activities, so I could be a little more healthier .

I couldn't control my anger anymore and I shouted at them and told them to stop treating me like a baby and that I do not need a break from activities, also that I could do most of the things on my own. They also didn't stay calm and just listen to me shout they also started to shout at me back and let's just say it wasn't good, it was a disaster, finally when I couldn't take it anymore  I shouted and told them to keep screaming while I go somewhere peaceful. 

I grabbed my car keys and left the dorm, I got into my car and started the engine, look I knew I shouldn't drive while I'm not really peaceful it just makes me drive horribly I don't know why, I need to have a peaceful mind while driving, helps with my patience, I knew all that but I still decided to drive and go somewhere peaceful, you know maybe I won't lose my patience, maybe it will all go well, oh was I wrong it was a disaster, I shouldn't have driven the car, I could have called a taxi, honestly I'm just stupid.

I was driving but since I was really frustrated, I couldn't focus so I crashed into something, I don't know what and everything went black, I hadn't gone far from the dorm though.

When I woke up, I don't know how much time had passed since I crashed into something but I was in a hospital as soon as I fluttered my eyes open, the nurse called the doctor, I asked the doctor for how long I've passed out and what he said shocked me, he said I passed out for 2 days freaking 2 days. Then our manager came in and he said that he found me unconscious about 1km from the dorm while he was going home, he immediately called the ambulance as I was not waking up after he the ambulance arrived he called and informed the members about my accident, he said that all the members were blaming themselves because they are the reason I got into a accident, but I knew it was not completely their fault, it was mine too, I shouldn't have gotten mad at them for a silly reason and I know for a fact that they were trying to take care of Me and advising me for my own good.

Soon S.Coups came in and he started apologising, and I stopped him and told him it wasn't his fault or any of the members fault and that I was wrong and should have listened to them. 

Then all the members visited one by one and said sorry and we were once again bickering and laughing, being Seventeen, you know I feel so grateful to have such friends who care for me and encourage me to do what's best for me, you know not all people have such great friends.

End of Mingyu's POV

Words - 737

Note -

Sorry for the late update, I didn't have my laptop so I could not update, my cousin gave me his IPad since he took my laptop, today only he gave it to me so I updated.

I'm planning to a Jun one next but I don't know what to write, please give me ideas.

Well anyway I hope you guys liked the story.

Requests are open!!!!!!

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