Jun Sick ft. Enypen

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Requested by - Kylaluvslesserafim


Today I'm very nervous since I am doing a shoot with my juniors "Enhypen", well I've spoken with the members several times but I am still nervous because I've not been feeling like myself from yesterday night, I feel sick and I could have called and postponed the shoot but I didn't want to because I was very excited when I got to know I am doing a shoot with Enhypen, all the members are kind and super talented and also it would also be inconvenient to them because they will have to change their schedule so I kept it to myself.

I freshened up and got ready just as I was about to go down, my manager called me and told me it was time to go, before leaving I put pain relief tablets in my bag and went down hurriedly as my manager led me to the car so we could drive to the place where the shoot was being held, we got in the car and I asked my manager if I could play some music and he agreed, I opened spotify and played some of my favourite Seventeen songs.

Soon after like 30 minutes we reached the place where we were supposed to do a shoot. The Enhypen members hadn't arrived yet so the stylist soon gave me my outfit so I could start getting ready  while waiting for the enhypen members to arrive, I changed into my outfit and my manager told me that the Enhypen members had arrived so I went out of my room to greet them as soon as they saw me all of them bowed 90° and greeted me cheerfully, ah how I admire these boys so respectful to their seniors, charming and talented.

Then soon they also had to go change into their outfits so they went into their alloted room as I went to get my hair and makeup done soon I was done getting ready and then I felt my stomach twisting and turning and it hurt so badly, is this how girls feel when they get period cramps wait why am I thinking of that, I checked to see if anyone was looking and slowly went towards my bag and took out the pain relief pills that I had got incase I felt sick, so I took some water and swallowed the pills.

End of Jun POV

Enhypen POV

We all got ready and went to see if Jun hyung had gotten ready and I don't think he noticed us we were about to enter but stopped and his when we saw him looking around that was suspicious, we peeked and saw him slowly going towards his bag and taking out something wait that looks oddly familiar, is that pain relief pills?

We were all shocked why is Jun hyung taking pain relief pills, is he sick? Why hasn't he told us?

We discussed amongst ourselves that he probably hid that he is in pain because he would have to cancel the shoot and that would bother us and we all hatched a plan.

We went to the director of the shoot and told him we were sick probably food poisoning because what we are for breakfast tasted really weird and we asked him to postpone the shoot.

He agreed and called Jun hyung.

End of Enhypen POV


I heard the director calling me so I went out and he told that they would be postponing the shoot as the Enhypen members felt sick because of what they had eaten for breakfast, I was shocked because they all looked fine and completely healthy earlier.

I just nodded and told my manager and he discussed with Enhypen's manager to see when me and Enhypen's schedules are free and he told me that they agreed on this specific date.

 I went over to Enhypen and asked them how they are feeling and I was shocked by what they told me they told me that they had just pretended to be sick to postpone the shoot because they had seen me taking pain relief pills in my room so they told the director.

Wow! these boys never fail to impress me they are truly amazing and very good juniors, I feel lucky to have them as my juniors, so out of gratitude I asked them out to a meal and that it will be my treat, but they politely refused and told me that since I am feeling sick I should probably go back to the Seventeen dorm and get some rest and probably even take a nap so I could feel better, so I agreed to them but before that I made them promise me that they will let me take them out to a meal next time for their kindness and that I will pay for everything since I practically forced them they couldn't help but agree feeling satisfied with my self I went and apologised to the staff and the director because they had to cancel the shoot because of me and the Enhypen members also apologised for fooling them and then I bid bye to everyone as I followed my manager to the car to get back to the dorm.

Words - 865


Thank you sosososso much for 11k, I cant express how happy I am and sorry for the late update I had a small writers block and sorry if the chapter was dissapointing.

Love your dear author ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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