Jeonghan - Asthma Attack

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Requested by- fdbtsvt

Jeonghan POV

Right now we are doing a rehearsal for our upcoming concert, its in 1 hour, I was surprised to see the fans already arriving early probably to see our rehearsal and there were so many people who came early just to watch our rehearsal, I was grateful and I was happy that we achieved so much success and the fans love us for who we are so it motivates us to do our best so the fans get the quality of music they deserve.


Recently I had been having breathing problems during the dance practice so S.Coups suggested that I should visit the doctor and find out why I am having breathing difficulties so I went  to the doctor as S.Coups suggested and the doctor examined me and did some tests and he told me I had asthma and it was possible that I would have asthma attacks frequently when it's not expected or when I'm in shock or if I work too hard I could have an asthma attack.

I went back to the dorm and I called all the members and they looked as shocked as I was when I found out I had asthma as I didn't expect it, they didn't speak anything for a while because of the shock after a while S.Coups told me to tell the manager about my health and he also suggested that I should go on hiatus for a while but I immediately disagreed to what he suggested not about telling the manager but going on a hiatus because I wanted the concert to be successful as the tickets are expensive and carats deserve the best and two members missing in the concert they might be disappointed.

I contacted the manager and told him the news, he told that he would inform the company about my illness and after he informed the company, the company said they would release an official article about my illness so the fans are aware of it.


The rehearsal was over and we wen to get ready as it will take a lot of time to get ready, after getting ready we went on to the stage and the fans started whistling and shouting because of excitement, we started performing the first song and out most recent song "God of Music" the fans were chanting the fanchant that we made for "God of Music", the next song was Super, the one after super was Hot and it was all going fine until I had trouble breathing and Hoshi and Mingyu immediately noticed it and told the staff stop the music immediately and get my inhaler, the stuff hurriedly got my inhaler and after having a puff it reduced.

Our manager told me that I would not be there for the whole concert, I apologised to the fans they said it was okay and that I should take care of my health and not overwork myself. The members continued performing they still killed the concert and the fans still looked happy.

After that incident happened I was forced to go on a hiatus for 2 weeks and I couldn't attend the concerts, the members gave their best and overall even though me and S.Coups didn't participate in the concert it got very good reviews.

The members helped me so much and made me feel happy when I was down, I am grateful for having such friends who stay through your tough times and help you get through it.

End of Jeonghan POV

Note -

I hope you liked it, I don't know much about asthma attacks but I did my best.

Sorry for not updating frequently, schools been a hassle I know I say this everytime but like it's baddd.

Hope u have great day or night👋❤️

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