Dino - Ankle sprain

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Requested by - @AfiaRiaz7

Dino POV

Currently we were practicing the choreography for our new song, everything was going fine until there was a step where we had to do a lot of footwork and it was quite hard, it felt hard for me even though I am in the performance team, while I was working on improving my moves in that particular step I twisted my ankle or  something but like it was a sharp pain in my ankle and I just wanted to fall down on the floor and cry but I couldn't because the members will be worried which will result to me having to take a break from practicing the choreography but I don't want to miss out and fall behind on learning the choreography so I just decided not to tell anyone and keep it to myself.

I then continued practicing but my movements were not too powerful when doing the footwork and Hoshi hyung noticed it, he asked me Dino-yah your footwork is not so good did you hurt your leg somewhere?, I replied no no I'm just tired from practicing, then Hoshi hyung said we should take a break for some minutes looks like everyone is tired.

After the break we continued practicing and then it was time to eat dinner so the manager said we could go to a restaurant nearby and eat our dinner before we continue to practice again till it was time for us to go back to our dorms. 

The reason why we are practicing so much is because we started learning the choreography only yesterday so until we get almost all the moves we have to keep practicing, the performance team members would usually get the choreography easily but this time the choreography is quite challenging because of the footwork, right now Hoshi hyung is the only one who could do the footwork properly.

Right now my ankle sprain hurts so bad, I can't do anything about it after we finish practicing when we go back to the dorm and when everyone goes to sleep, there are ice packs in the freezer so I'll just use it to calm my ankle pain and the ankle pain isn't so bad so it's fine not going to the doctor, I can manage a little bit of pain of course.

We went to eat dinner at 8:30 pm and when we finished eating it was 9:30 pm, Hoshi hyung said that we would practice the choreography till 12 am and I honestly right now feel so sleep, food makes me sleepy but getting the choreography was the main focus to me right now not sleep.

We practiced and I got yelled at by Hoshi hyung for getting most of the footwork wrong but I didn't fight back or tell him I sprained my ankle, obviously I can't I have to learn the choreography.

Then we went back to our dorm and after like 30 minutes the dorm was dead silent, everyone was asleep probably because they were all tired from practicing all day.

I went in to the kitchen opened the freezer and got the ice pack and went in to my room and started massaging my ankle with it and I felt so better and the pain reduced.

This went on for a few days(I mean 15 days not few clearly) and I did get yelled by Hoshi hyung a lot of times for getting the footwork wrong even though he thought me very clearly.

Today, as I was in the kitchen and getting the ice pack someone suddenly called my name it was Seungcheol hyung. I thought I am dead definitely.

He asked me what are you doing with the ice pack did you get hurt somewhere?, uh no I was just uh looking for something to eat because I was hungry.

Why would you look for something to eat in the freezer? that to in the midnight when its a little chilly?

I knew if I tried to lie I'd get caught anyway and told him the truth and yeah you guessed it right I got a nice lecture about how it could have been a serious problems and if I am hurt, I should not hide it from the members blah blah blah...

The next day all the members got to know about it and Hoshi hyung apologized for yelling at me, I had to go to the doctor and the doctor told me to rest for about a week and how I should have gotten it treated earlier.

I was strictly prohibited from practice if you know Seungcheol hyung he is really strict but he does that only because he cares about the members.

My ankle got better which helped as I could do the footwork much better, now I was really healthy.

Words - 791


I Hope you guys liked it!

Sorry for the late updates, I had no idea on how to write it a writer's block I guess.


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