Jun - Changes

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It was a normal day in the Seventeen dorm there was chaos everywhere and all the members were joking around and everything.

This one topic came up while they were joking around which made me feel really bad.

They told me to act more matured and stop actincy cute and cheerful like a baby, I felt like I wanted to cry and call my family and share it with them for some comfort but I didn't want them to worry about me so I decided not to tell anyone and keep it to myself, I decided that since they wanted me to act mature I will act mature.

Over these few days the members were confused about my behaviour, I wondered why are they confused about it, today Myung Ho came home he was not here since he had some work to do in China.

He came from the airport looking all tired, probably because the ride was long and he must have had a lot of work in China,as soon as he came he went to his dorm to freshen up didn't talk to anyone and when dinner was ready he came down ate dinner and went back to his dorm, I figured he must be really tired.

The nest day Myung Ho seemed more cheerful and lesst tired he must have gotten a good amount of sleep, I think he noticed some change is me because his expression clearly showed that he was confused and was probably thinking what is wrong with me.

End of Jun's POV

The8/Myung Ho POV

I came down to eat breakfast and we all started eating and I noticed something wrong with Jun hyung, he was not his usual cheerful guy he was not even smiling, he smiles most of the time, he was looking at me so he must have understood my confused expression.

After breakfast Jun hyung went to his dorm as all the other members were also about to leave and I asked them why he was acting like this and not his usual self, I couldn't believe he had changed in such a short time span.

The members explained to me that this has been happening for the past few days, I asked them did you guys say something to him or something. they said they did not remember saying anything to him. I told them that I would try to talk to Jun in Chinese maybe that way he would open up, they all agreed.

I went up to Jun's room and forced him to open it until he did then I started asking him in Chinese why he was acting different, after a lot persuading he finally broke down and told me everything, then I understood that the members didn't mean what they said, they probably meant it as a joke, I told that to Jun hyung and started explaining to him.

Then I took him to the members because I knew just me convincing Jun hyung would not work all the members explained to him and apologised for hurting his feelings and that they would never bring up the topic ever again.

End of The8/Myung Ho POV


After Myung Ho talked to me and after listening to the members I felt relieved and happy and also that I could be myself again, I feel greatful to have friends like this and not many people have such amazing friends right, yeah we have fights sometimes but we always resolve it that's what true friendship is.

End of Jun's POV


Sorry for the late update, I couldn't figure how to write the story.

You know I wrote a The8 dengue chapter, I never imagined me getting it.Yep I got dengue, rn I'm in a hospital but I needed to update so I did, I'll update more when I get well.

Thank you so much for 2k, I am very greatful.

Well there is a TXT murder mystery coming soon....

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