Jun - Stress

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Requested by - Kylaluvslesserafim


From a few days I have been feeling really stressed, as we were having a comeback soon and we wanted this comeback to be perfect so we were doing a lot of practice so that it would be perfect, normally for just a comeback and heavy practice I don't fell stressed, I just get exhausted and the reason why I'm stressed is because back at home in China my father is very sick and is in the hospital, I want to go visit him in the hospital but I can't because we have prepare for our comeback.

I didn't want to tell this news to the members as they would already be stressed and exhausted from heavy preparations so I just kept it to myself and no one noticed anything because they were all stressed and exhausted after a few days I couldn't keep it to myself and wanted to tell my problems and hear comforting words so I would feel better, of course my family comforted me but I just wanted my members to tell me encouraging words just like how they did during our debut when we were worried or stressed, we went through a lot together as a group.

I called all the members they all came they looked so exhausted and stressed, I tried speaking " Everyone I want to tell you something, these days I am feeling very stressed" when DK interrupted me, he said " everyone has been feeling stressed because of the comeback not only you and if you called us here just to tell us that then we already know just wait till promotions are over so you can rest". I thought someone would atleast tell everyone to hear me out but no one did, they just stood there nodding in approval, I felt sad and more than feeling sad I was surprised because no one cared to even listen to me.

A few days later the members noticed,  I had started ignoring them they had realised that long ago but they probably just thought it would just be few days and eventually, I would speak to them well they were wrong I wasn't going to. One day after practice they all came to me and asked me why I was doing this because I never feel stressed and I have never ignored them for this long, at first I didn't speak to them and they kept forcing me to speak and snapped then finally told them everything about my dad being sick and him being in the hospital and how bad I had felt after they didn't hear me out. I cried while explaining all these things to them all the members cried and they apologised and I could tell it was sincere, I forgave them and we hugged it out, on the same day I got a phone call from my mother saying that my dad is well and he will soon be discharged from the hospital, I was very happy.

I told the news to the members and they all were also happy that my father was finally well so Mingyu announced since My father will be discharged soon, to celebrate the good news he will be treating us to dinner and drinks.

The comeback was successful and the fun part was for the mv we actually launched a microphone into space and it was possible because we collaborated with a space company, the promotions went well and carats love the comeback which made all of us happy and finally all stress was gone.

End of Jun POV


I'm so so so sorry for not updating frequently I have been busy with school, I might upload tomorrow, we have half day on Friday but it's my cousins bday so I can't update but tomorrow I will.

Thank you so much for 3k I love you guyssss.

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