The8 - Annual Shots

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Note - The8 will be called Myung Ho his Korean name.

Requested by- jerseyv03

Myung Ho POV

Today was an horrible day well the day just started but still, I know it's going to be a horrible day because today, I have to get my annual shots and I know that it isn't a big deal for many people but for me it is because I'm scared no terrified of needles they look horrifying oh I can't describe it and the fact that they are going to just insert it into my skin is just terrible.

I tried to argue with S.Coups hyung but it didn't work obviously he will win the argument he can come up with very logical reasons so that he can defeat me and I can't counter him back because it obviously makes sense and this time all the other members supported S.Coups hyung.

Jun hyung came up to me and said "I know you are terrified of needles and the other members know that too but you know it's important to take you annual shots and besides you know the members will be right next you to support you, you trust us right?" I just nodded, Jun hyung continued "You trust us so don't be nervous and just come to hospital it will barely take 5 minutes to get your annual shot" I just nodded and felt very comforted by his words.

So the next day we went to the hospital to get the annual shot we took turns getting the shot, I saw the nurse carrying a needle to the doctor's cabin so the member that was inside right now could get a annual shot when I saw that needle I basically regretted agreeing coming to the hospital, The needle was long and it was sharp, I was terrified it looked horrifying.

After some time it was my turn, I can't explain how anxious I was, I stepped into the doctor's cabin and I sat down in the chair, I waited for the nurse to prepare the annual shot and as the doctor was about to insert it, I flinches so he doctor stepped back and I didn't let him insert the needle so S.Coups hyung and Mingu came in and held me tightly, I tried to escape an I couldn't because they were the strongest members in the groups, I saw the doctor coming towards me and I immediately close my eyes, I felt  something going through my skin it hurt for some time and then the pain disappeared. I opened my eyes to see S.Coups and Mingyu looking at me and they said " you can relax now it's over".

When I heard that I couldn't describe my happiness in words, well it was quite a interesting roller coaster lol.

End of The8 POV

Note -
Sorry for doing your request so late, you can read the last note to see why I couldn't update.

I hope u guys enjoyeddd it.

Love u guys ❤️

- Author

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