The8- Dengue Fever

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NOTE - The8 will be called Myung Ho his Korean name for this story.

Myung Ho POV

I had been feeling really tired these days. I had a cold, cough and my head ached so badly, I tried to endure it but I could not so I finally gave in and asked the manager to take me to the hospital to get checked up. 

The doctor first inquired me about what has been happening to me these days. I told him all the things that has been happening to me these days.

The doctor then asked the nurse to check my temperature. It turns out I had 104 degree Fahrenheit fever. I was shocked myself too. 104 degree Fahrenheit is so much. I should have not been careless about this as I was thinking about not being careless the doctor started to tell me how I should have come earlier that way the temperature would not have been this high.

I told him I regretted it too.

The doctor said they have to take a blood test to see which type of fever I have.

They collected my blood and I had to wait almost 20 minutes before I got the results of the blood test.

The blood test results arrived and the doctor told me I had Dengue.

I was like why Dengue out of all the diseases I could get?

Then the doctor said that I have to be admitted in the hospital for about 2 days and I had to get drips.

I told my manager, he told that he would inform the company about my well-being and the members.

I was scared to see how the members would react and I would have to get a lecture from Seungcheol hyung and trust me it's boring and long I mean very long lecture. I have heard Hoshi hyung and Jeonghan hyung get the same lecture and trust me it was just long and boring.

I was then shifted to a premium lounge because the company paid for it.

Then the nurse came and put a canula on my hand then connected the drips to the canula.

After about 20 minutes the members arrived.

The first one to enter my ward was Seungcheol hyung I expected it to be honest.

He came in and started his lecture and all the members came in.

I just looked at Hoshi hyung and Jeonghan hyung they also looked at me and sighed.

Then after some time Seungcheol hyung was finally done with his lecture. My first bottle of drips was also over by the Seungcheol hyung finished his lecture.

Then the members told me that they bought snacks for me to eat while staying at the hospital and they all kept it next to my bed.

Seungcheol hyung let the nurse know that the bottle was over so she could connect a new one.

This was my usual routine for 2 days before I got discharged from the hospital.

The doctor told me that even though I got discharged I still needed rest or I will be weak again which could lead to me getting sick again.

Words - 505


I got a idea to write about dengue because right now where I live it's Dengue season and 2 of my classmates got it too.

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