Wonwoo - Motion Sickness

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Wonwoo's POV

Today we were on a cruise evryone was having so much fun and enjoying themselves  to the fullest, Everyone had a smile on their faces.I was very happy too because it had been so long we were so free and happy like this. We had such a hectic schedule recently so relaxing like this felt so nice and calming. Of course it was still chaotic because we're seventeen you know how we are right.

I suddenly felt like throwing up so I went inside and threw up don't know why I threw up and I didn't even eat any seafood or anything like that because I'm allergic.

My members asked me why I suddenly went inside I just brushed it off saying that I just wanted to go inside for a bit, I didn't want to tell them I threw up because I knew they would be worried and I didn't want them to be worried because they all were enjoying and happy so I didn't want to ruin it for them.

Then I got to thinking why I threw up and realised it was motion sickness and that I haven't been on a cruise since I was a kid, it's probably because I'm not used to this weather as well I'm pretty sure Ill get adjusted to it in a while.

Oh was I wrong I wanted to throw up again so I went inside and threw up again this time the members did not let it slide easily they were very suspicious of me and wouldn't let it go even though I kept pestering them to let go of the topic.

So I told them I had motion sickness and threw up two times. They all gave me a lecture for hiding it from them and saying that my health and well being matters to them way more than having fun.

Jeonghan hyung quickly told me he had motion sickness medicine in his bag and he went and got it, I took the medicine from him and ate it. After some time I felt better and I didn't feel sick and want to throw up anymore.

I thanked Jeonghan hyung, then it was lunch time we are lunch on the cruise everyone enjoyed seafood while I ate the options which didn't have seafood in it .

We all enjoyed the rest of the day and teased eachother joking around as well.I was still getting scoldings for not telling about my motion sickness I told them to let me go this time.

They finally stopped after me apologising and begging them let me go this one time.

Then we went back to our hotel as we were all tired we all ate dinner quickly and slept.

*Next Day*

The next day I woke up and got ready as we all ate breakfast and headed to the airport to go back to Korea. It was quite sad because it was so calm and refreshing here in Italy, we all agreed that we should visit Italy one again and maybe have a concert here as well.

We were also happy that we were going back to Korea as it is our home country and it feels like home.

We reached the airport as we checked in and then got on the plane, I felt motion sickness in the plane as well but this time I carried motion sickeness medicine with me and I took the medicine so I felt fine, after a long journey we finally landed in Korea .

It felt good to be back, we made a lot of memories and it was a fun time it was a little sad our leader was not there with us but we can always go another time maybe one or the other day.

End of Wonwoo's POV

Words 645

Note - (skip is you want it's just a rant )

Guys I did tell I will update a lot in the holidays but I didn't even get a month of holidays I'm not kidding because my school ended on 26th April and I left that school and my new school started on May 17 and I went on a five days trip with my friends( YourBasicEngene) arranged by my old school and I couldn't help also y'all my new school is hectic i swear.

I had a test yesterday chem and physics was easy but math y'all was so hard like.

Also I will slowly get back into writing and updating please be patient with me also tomorrow I have a nasa exam wish me.

This chapter was bad i swear I'll do better.

Also how do u feel about a kpop Sickfics excluding seventh well cuz there's seventeen sickfics anyway.

Let me know. also if u watch Iland 2 what's ur lineup?

Mines 1.Jiyoon 2.Jeemin 3.Koko 4.Jungeun 5.Sujung and 6.Sarang

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