Jeonghan - Sick

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Requested by - @YourBasicEngene

Jeonghan POV

I woke up in the morning it was 6 am and we had to practice for our comeback at 7 am.

Yesterday my throat was itching so bad I did not eat or drink anything extremely cold or anything, I did not think much about it and after practice, I just came to the dorm got freshened  then I had dinner and went to sleep.

Now also my throating is itching and I have a cold but I will not tell this to the members then they will not let me practice and I have to get the choreography perfectly, its a little hard and I want everything to be perfect for Carats and they have to enjoy it just like all the other songs.

I then just took a shower and went out.

I ate breakfast then went to the HYBE building to practice

Everything was normal the members did not suspect me or anything but I did coughing sometimes when I could not control it.

When anyone asked I just said it because I drank really cold water last night then they did not ask anything.

Then I felt my body heating up and my head started to spin and then everything went black.

Then I woke up and saw all the members and staffs looking really worried.

Then they forced me to go home and tell them everything, I tried arguing but it did not work.

When we reached home they called a doctor, the doctor told that I have viral fever and I have to rest for at least 3 days.

S.coups then gave me a lecture, because I did not tell him I was sick and how we should be truthful aaaaahhhhhhh it was so boring I swear.

Then I could not practice for 3 days because the doctor said so, I was well after 2 days but S.coups would not let me practice that's just how he is and I won't break his rule or I will get a boring lecture again.

End of Jeonghan's POV

Words - 333

Note -

Thank you for reading I hope you liked it its quite short but like I had a writers block I guess so.

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