Wonwoo - Overwork

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Wonwoo POV

I just woke up by my alarm ringing it's just 4 am in the morning but I have to wake up because of my tight schedule, I feel really tired because I only got about two hours of sleep as the dance practice got over only at 2 am.

I go into the washroom to brush my teeth and get ready for another busy day.

After I got ready I went down and made myself some coffee and saw Hoshi and Mingyu waiting for me as we had a shoot with only us 3, after I drank the coffee we all went down and our manager drove us to the place where we had the shoot.

I got down and then we went to get ready for the shoot, as the stylist started styling me, I felt really tired but I just brushed it off and took my phone out and started to watch TikTok.

After the stylist was done I got my makeup done by the makeup artist and then got my hair done, I hope that this will cover up my tiredness, as if my tiredness will show then my fans will be worried about me and I don't want them to worry about me, my fans happiness is my happiness.

Then I went on to the set and it was Individual photo shoot first and Mingyu was the first one up after him was Hoshi and then it was finally my turn before going on front of the camera I drank a lot of water and then went on.

As I started posing, my vision was blurry and my head started spinning and I could hear Mingyu and Hoshi scream my name and then everything just went black.

I woke up after I felt drops of water on my face and I asked Mingyu and Hoshi wha happened and they told me I fainted.

Mingyu and Hoshi informed the manager that I was not feeling well and told him to postpone the shoot and drive us to the hospital, I tried to protest but I failed and then our manager drove us to the hospital.

We went in and got an appointment with the doctor and after some time my name was called so I went in and the doctor checked and told me that I needed rest and that my body was exhausted physically and mentally.

He let Mingyu, Hoshi and the manager know and the manager told me that he will inform the company and I will go on a hiatus for a week.

Then we went back to the dorm and Hoshi and Mingyu told all the members what happened and they started asking me if I was okay and I told them that nothing is wrong with me and I'm fine and that they don't need to worry about anything.

End of Wonwoo POV

Note -
The chapters quite short, but as I promised I updated another chapter will be out later.

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