3 | giving up?

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weeks later -

"what are you doing?" billie chuckled as she walked into the living room and saw me on the couch.

"i figured i need to pick up on a new hobby so i can have something to do on tour while your busy with promo stuff," i said.

"so," she tried not to laugh. "you choose knitting?"

"you got a problem with that eilish?" i playfully said to her.

"yes cause that looks terrible," she laughed as she came and grabbed the blob of yarn from me. "what even is this? a scarf?"

"well it was supposed to be a sweater," i said as i snatched it away from her.

b snatched it back from me and held it up. "a sweater for who? shark?" she laughed because of how small it is.

"alright," i laughed as i pushed her shoulder.

"i'm just fucking with you," she chuckled as she sat next to me on the couch. "but uh on a serious note, are you gonna be okay?" she asked me, getting serious.

"what do you mean?" i furrowed my eyebrows.

"i know you've been thinking about modeling again," she started. "yet you're coming with me on tour."

"yeah," i said lowly.

"i just wan teed to tell you how cool it is that you're coming on tour with me when you could be working again."

"thanks baby," i rubbed her arm.

"well um," she got up from the couch. "what should i wear today?"

billie has an interview to talk about all things tour and what not. and since her team isn't out here in hawaii, margie and i are gonna go with her of course.


we made it there and margie and i sat to the side, behind the camera while billie was being interviewed.

it was going well, billie was talking about dates, openers, being sold out, etc. it's really excited for everyone since this was the tour that was postponed last year when i was on my death bed.

"and i think the fans would be excited to know that i'm bringing a special someone with me this time," b smiled.

i smiled at her as she smiled at me.

margie rose her eyebrows as she gave me a side eye with a grin.

"oop," the interviewer lady said. "is it who i think it is?"

"yes," billie blushed. "i'm bringing my wife with me."

i mean she was just cheesing from excitement.

"ugh yay!" the lady cheered

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"ugh yay!" the lady cheered. "that's going to be such a cool experience for both of you!"

"i knowww," b dragged. "we're both so excited. look at her over there smiling," she pointed to me behind the camera.

here we are, again | billie eilish Where stories live. Discover now