i love you

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wtf yall had me so sad reading the comments on the last chapter 😭😭 i deadass wanted to cry

i was so ready to end the story that i didn't even think i'd miss billie and leilani but now i doooo.

anyway just here to thank you guys cause i love our little community we have and yall are like family.

i feel like i say this every time i end a story but yall should know im appreciative 🫵

anyway this series was SO special to me and ill miss it dearly but its time to lay their story to rest and let it continue on in our imagination.

buuuut the first chapter of my new story will come out february 1st and im very excited 😁😁

it does involve some things i haven't written about really before, so you impatient mfs will need to be patient with these characters lmao. cause they're gonna go through some things and i know how yall get.

okay blah blah blah, i love you bye.

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