Chapter 10 Aza Terminal Program: Brief

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In Chapter 10, Samael reaches the sixth floor of the Aza Terminal Program and encounters a creature with black eyes, similar to the one seen in his father's church. The creature starts attacking the Aza guards, causing chaos. Samael hides with the help of Abbie, who warns him not to draw attention to himself. Abbie explains that if Samael is detected, the sixth floor will go on high alert and be shut down. Abbie shows Samael a holographic map and guides him towards sector one. Samael sneaks past Aza guards, witnessing their fear and encountering the creature again. He hides and continues following the map, overhearing guards discussing secret sectors. Samael eventually reaches a hallway leading to a round steel platform where he sees a dark-hooded man descending. A guard spots Samael, but he manages to escape by using the platform. Samael learns from Abbie that the facility is going on high alert and reaches sector one, where he is surrounded by Aza imperial knights. The chapter ends with the question of whether Samael will reach sector two or perish at the hands of the knights.

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