In Chapter 17, titled "The Chosen One: Part 1," the protagonist Samael finds himself standing before his father's church. He encounters a door greeter who questions his knowledge of the current year, but Samael dismisses him and enters the church. Inside, he is surprised to see his father, who is the high priest of Azazel. The high priest explains that they are conducting a sacred ceremony for a special child ordained by God.
Suddenly, the scene shifts to a different period in 21 AD, where the Aza kingdom is forming. The leader of Aza rallies his people to fight for their freedom against the Pterodac kingdom. The Aza army prepares for war, but the Pterodac army invades their lands, resulting in a long and bloody battle. Despite the losses, the Aza kingdom is established, prospering for five hundred years.
Samael is then transported back to the present, where he finds himself in the emperor's throne room. The emperor reveals himself to be Samael's brother, Aza, and declares his intention to kill him. They engage in a fierce battle, with Samael gaining new abilities from an Azureus orb shield. Eventually, Samael defeats Aza, but as the throne room collapses, he loses consciousness.
Upon regaining consciousness, Samael encounters a mysterious being from another world. The chapter ends with the question of who this being is and what Samael will discover in the next chapter.
Last Son: Book One
FantasyIn a world on the brink of a new dark age, Samael, the last son of the revered priest Azazel, emerges as a pivotal figure. As the year 2000 approaches, a profound darkness begins to stir beneath the earth's surface. Tragically, Samael's father, Prie...