Chapter 31 Samael's 1st Trial: Number 13 Brief

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In Chapter 31, titled "Samael's 1st Trial: Number 13," Samael confronts the holy vessel with the number thirteen on his headwear. They engage in a conversation about Samael's purpose and the impending trial. The holy vessel casts a binding spell on Samael, preventing him from moving, and prepares to unleash thirteen arrows upon him.

However, as the arrows are about to strike, a white fog envelops Samael, allowing him to break free from the golden ring and evade the arrows. Samael stands before the holy vessel, ready to face the final trial. The holy vessel acknowledges Samael's victory and opens a portal for him to enter the presence of the Azurian gods.

Samael enters the realm of the Azurian gods and engages in a conversation with the number thirteen. He receives his reward for completing the trials, including a new orb and weapon. Samael then returns to the Azurian haven, only to find it in a state of darkness and infested with wolf-like creatures.

Samael prepares for battle, but Abbie intervenes and offers to guide him out of the haven. They fight their way through the wolf-like creatures, with Samael determined to escape their clutches and find his way out of the dark and dangerous haven.

The chapter ends with the question of whether Samael will successfully escape the haven or fall victim to the jaws of the flesh-eating predators. The next chapter will reveal the outcome of Samael's battle and his journey to find his way out of the haven.

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