Short story: A Salaryman's Supernatural Induction 11.

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"Oda and the remnants of his squad have been wiped out."

A clear voice rang out within the enclosed space of an office, its propagator was a man that was so stiff in his movements that his supposed animation would have been up for debate.

In front of the man was a desk, crafted of high quality wood and saddled with various documents, behind said desk was a man who radiated a silent sense of power and control, Tokugawa Tetsuya.

"Is that so?" His voice seemed to freeze the stiff man further, it bore the weight of Tokugawa's ire.

"Yes sir." Despite the morbid fear that gripped him, the man did not falter in his speech, this can't be attributed to his mental strength however, it was something necessary for his survival.

To stutter was to die.

All members of the clan knew this.

"You may leave."

Receiving the much awaited dismissal, the man carefully backed out of the room, skillfully weaving around the expensive furniture within.

Now, Tokugawa was left alone within the dimly lit room, his only  visible company being the deformed shadows that extended from beneath the various objects within the office; they were so deformed that they vaguely resembled a human.
Oda is gone huh…

Seems like I underestimated these people.

It was only a little while ago that this same man wiped out a relatively powerful member of the mismatched clan,the last one in fact, it's a bit hard to believe that they got eradicated just like that.

There's no use dwelling on these matters though, he had fulfilled his main purpose in the first place, he was already disposable.

I suppose I should place more importance on this salaryman from now on, I believed I had correctly gauged his strength.

That Sakurai girl too, her development is rather baffling…

Although I suffered the loss of a rather useful squad of men, at least their purpose was fulfilled even in their deaths.

"Should I take care of him?"

"No, leave him for now."


"You're as good at concealing your presence as ever…Ishikawa."

"It's my specialty after all, I have to be good at it."


No first name. This man was my closest ally, the only person I didn't fear would stab me in the back, he had a very big role in the divine plan we were tasked with. He had been lurking in this office for about an hour now, going unperceived by everyone except me.

"You're still as modest as ever, we both know you can do more than that."


I got no response, oh well.

"How did it go then? Is everything in order?" I asked, I had received a report already but hearing it directly from him wouldn't hurt.

"Hmm, more or less how She planned. It's quite frightening to witness first hand how humans can be used."

"Indeed, even we are not exempt from it. That is good news though, the presence of that outlier did nothing to alter the outcome."

"Outlier? Oh, you mean Satoru Mikami."

"Who else but him? He came out of nowhere, She hadn't even known he would get involved at the start."

"I don't know if it's just me, but that is quite concerning. Shouldn't we make adjustments to the plan to cover for his involvement?"

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