Short story: The bane of history 5.

503 31 15

"So what are we supposed to do? I know Farmenas' general situation but I need to know how you want to approach this." The first thing they needed my help in was going to Farmenas.

I understand what they're getting at but I wanna know their preferred outcome.

"We want their background assistance, and if the situation calls for it, their open assistance as well. Farmenas is the only kingdom that isn't in cahoots with Ingracia on this part of the continent. They're also the most friendly, relatively."

Hmm. A typical way to go about this was to offer something Farmenas could gain from an alliance, but seeing the state of these people I doubt they have something like that.

"Urgh…Farmenas? That boring place?" Guy seemed to have a problem with Farmenas, I'm guessing it stems from that certain thing that happened a long while ago.

[[I am glad that he's still tormented.]]
Sadistic much?
[[Can't be helped.]]

Going about this mission in a conventional way wouldn't bear much fruit.

Not a problem though, I had no plans that conformed with convention in the first place.


"After putting on airs about chaos, here we are. Queuing at a gate."

I'm starting to feel like coming with Guy was a mistake…

"Just keep quiet for a bit, it's just a box we have to check before the real deal."

"If you say so, 'chaos creator'."


"Next!" The guard responsible for the city's entrance called out. We were next on the line so we moved down the wide paved road to get checked in.

"Identification." He gruffly addressed us, not even paying us the slightest attention.

I don't know if I should be pissed or impressed….

Anyway, getting into a city like this wasn't a big deal so we passed through smoothly, albeit a bit annoyed.

Moving down the road, we looked around, taking in the city around us.

The architecture looked like some weird amalgamation of Japanese and Western styles, I could see the influence of otherworlders who were allowed free reign with the development.

The disparity didn't stop there, the people around were dressed in the same mismatched manner as the architecture.

Is that guy wearing suit pants with a kimono..?

According to Ciel, about a hundred years ago the minister of infrastructure was an otherworlder that had a strange obsession with combining styles.

"Does a budget rimuru live here or something…?" Guy mused absentmindedly as he scanned the area as well.

I ignored his attempt to start a fight for the fifteenth time today.

"Let's find the head honchos of this place." I called the preoccupied Guy as I moved further into the city.

"What are you planning exactly? We just waltz into the castle and request an audience?" His tone filled with skepticism, the bored demon asked.

I hadn't given it much thought to be honest, I came here with full intention of winging it.

I just know it'll work out somehow, I tried to convey this conviction to Guy with a bright smile.

Guy immediately grimaced as he saw my expression.
"You totally don't have a plan…" he sighed as he slapped his palm on his forehead.

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