Short story: A Salaryman's Supernatural Induction 10.

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I have to admit, that entrance was…rash.

When we got close to this place, I told Sakurai to give up on hiding, and just step out with me. She disagreed at first, but a little explanation was enough to sway her.

I had my reasons for approaching these people so openly. Observe had shown me how locked down the place was, sneaking past was an impossibility, at least with our current capabilities. It also shed some tasteless information about these people…

And so, here we are, standing opposite an organized force of about thirty men.

I had to give them kudos though, even after I intentionally riled them up, they maintained their reason and had a firm and well thought out formation.

"Satoru Mikami, I hope your jokes for tonight are over. This is definitely the worst time for you to be goofing around."

With a somewhat anxious smile on her face, Sakurai joked..




"Nah, I'm totally serious right now. Let's do this."

And so, the battle commenced, two people against a whole squad of elite combatants.

This is gonna be easy.
It kicked off, the squad of men had formed a battle plan, it seemed like they had practiced it a thousand times with how quickly they all fell into their positions.

Ten men moved forward and formed various weapons out of their energy,

Ten others stayed behind, their arms outstretched, they seemed to be preparing to launch ranged attacks, each had one person standing close by, most likely for protection.

"Sakurai, I've seen your agility. I want you to focus on avoiding the ranged attacks from the rear and taking as many of them out as you can. I'll handle the vanguard, for the most part. Be careful."

"Roger, you too."

They charged.

Satoru took the lead, aiming to clear a path towards the rear for Hana, who was following close behind him.

Three men stepped forward to intercept satoru's charge, two of them had daggers of ice and earth, the last one seemed to be only strengthening himself, until you looked closer and saw the wildy rotating wind around his fists.

Just before the collision, Satoru spread his hands out.

This never gets old…

"Disturb magic."

He had interfered with the structure of their arts, causing them to dispel into pure magicules.

The men had never seen something like this and let down their guard, this brief moment of confusion was all Satoru needed.

Suddenly his form blurred, his speed increasing to insane levels, he grabbed the two forward men by the face and threw them backwards into the seven still standing guard behind, they crashed into their companions, ruining the formation. The last guy in Satoru's way couldn't react as he took a flying magicule-infused kick to the face, knocking him out instantly.

"Sakurai! There's your window!"

Sakurai wasted no time in taking advantage of the compromised formation. She charged through, weaving around the various projectiles thrown her way.

She used the surrounding walls as platforms as she leaped around the area, firing icy shards at the vulnerable casters.

Back to Satoru, he had gotten into a stance. His fist was now coated into black lightning. Another attack he had managed to perform over time.

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