What if? Shion and the citizens didn't get resurrected. Climax.

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The entire land was covered with mist, it was something that would interfere with optimal perception of the surroundings. Vegetation in the area was scarce, and valleys were bountiful.

Various mountains peaked out from the edge of the mist, seeming like the only things that could be possibly above it, a castle that looked like the stereotypical home of a demon Lord stood at the edge of one such mountain.

This was the castle of demon Lord clayman, in the puppet nation of Jistav.

"Milim, fetch me that tea. Dimwit."
A whiny voice was heard, issuing commands that could be easily completed alone. The annoying voice came from the marionette master, demon Lord clayman.

The man had the appearance of a noble, he had an oblong face and red eyes.

He had issued these arrogant orders towards a girl in rather dubious clothing, she had platinum pink hair and blue eyes that seemed empty of all life.

The girl obeyed the order, moving sluggishly as if in a daze.

"Hmm, for all your power you are nothing when you let your guard down. Look at you, the "destroyer" is now my toy, hahahaha!!"

The repulsive man stated in mockery, reveling in the sense of control he felt from having the arguable strongest person in the world under his thumb.

The girl didn't respond and merely stood there, seemingly having no capacity for coherent thoughts.

But, contrary to outward appearances, this girl was conscious, and she was not as childish as she portrayed herself. Her mind was running at full speed.

"Hmph, that slime's puny nation should have been destroyed by now. Serves him right."

About four and a half days ago, this man had gone on and on about how his plan to wreck the hard work of the girl's bestie had been set into motion.

The girl, Milim Nava, was a demon Lord.

She had no place interfering with those matters, and even if she ignored the norms and tried to help, her bestie had told her multiple times to let them solve their own problems.

She admired the overpowered slime, he was the first to truly treat her as an equal. He was her best friend and it pained her to watch his work crumble.

She wondered what had happened to him by now. She trusted him to stay alive.

A while ago, the girl sensed energy gathering in the direction of lubelius, it was impressive. But still to her it didn't amount to much, so she ignored it.

As she drowned in her thoughts, a more potent energy came from the same place. Milim could not afford to ignore this because of a certain thing.

This energy was familiar, it was the energy of her fellow demon Lord, Guy Crimson.

'What is he doing? Why is he charging up something so deadly?'

These thoughts plagued her mind, yet her outward expression remained blank, never wavering.

This girl, despite her juvenile physical appearance, was quite shrewd. She started to consider the possibilities.

'Guy is a mediator, he messes with humans once in a while to keep them on their toes. He doesn't even do that personally, and if he did meddle he won't use this overkill amount of energy. One conclusion is that, most likely, guy is dealing with something he decides needs to go. And he doesn't trust his subordinates to complete it on their own. But those two are primordial demons, it will be hard to find many opponents that can stand against them. Only a being like an awakened demon Lord or true hero would have a chance, or something at that level. Is it luminous? No, she knows her place, and she is too weak to warrant whatever guy is cooking. A hero? That seems unlikely again. No humans are presently close to reaching the level of strength that would require this. So…..a new demon Lord?'

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