Short story: The bane of history 2.

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A coincidence?
[[Yes, a coincidence.]]
So you're saying you have no hand in this? You definitely didn't tweak fate or something like that?
[[Doing that would diminish the value of the entertainment. As much as I loathe to say it, these series of events are no work of mine.]]

Damn, okay then.

In Ciel's perspective, our current situation is a serendipity. I'm in total agreement.

Of course, to a normal person watching all this the sole thought in their head would probably go like this…
"They're totally fucked."
"Couldn't be me fr fr."

[[Stop using thought acceleration for meaningless dialogue.]]
Hush, I use it when I talk to you, isn't that friendly fire?
Okay…sorry sorry.

Well, we're currently being marched towards Matlidum, Ingracia's royal castle.

Apparently it got that name because the ruler at the time had just succeeded in subjugating tempest and he thought he would name his castle after some random otherworlder because it sounded cool.

All well and good but now I can't take the thing seriously.

The castle towered over the city at a 100 meter height, it's white surface threatened to blind anyone that looked directly at it during a sunny day. The battlements were designed in a way that allowed all sorts of human combatants to have an advantage no matter the situation.

All in all, the castle looked very arrogant, and it seemed to get on a certain someone's nerves.

'Hey rimuru, mind if I erase this punk?' Guy used thought communication.

Is this guy seriously beefing with a castle?
[[My opinion of demons drop constantly when I interact with this individual. I need to speak with a sensible demon soon.]]

Ciel really despised Guy, but she got along with Diablo to an extent that baffled me.

Watching them interact was like watching Ramiris and Veldora discuss manga.

"We don't have all day! Move faster!" One of our polite escorts nudged me forward, for no good reason.

[[Listen to the human, master. You walk too slow.]]
Really….? I thought you'd get pissed or something…
[[After all you've subjected yourself to for the sake of "fun", getting angry would be a waste of time.]]

She did have a point…

"Open the gate! We have captured the culprits!"

After an impressive declaration by the leader of the guards, the castle's massive gates swung open.

We continued our march, heading deeper and deeper into the castle. I refrained from using universal sense but I could still tell we were heading towards the throne room.

Hmm, the novelty of the mystery has worn off.

Ciel, how exactly did we end up in this situation?
[[Telling you now would take a lot of amusement out of your adventure, it wouldn't necessarily ruin it though. Do you want to hear?]]
Hmm. Sure.
[[Right now, there is a party of ambassadors in Ingracia from the mountain country of Felken. The supposed treason was committed by said ambassadors, and the government of Ingracia is aware as well but they can't afford to let this matter escalate. Tempest is lurking in the shadows, the moment Ingracia falters they will swoop in and ravage it to nothingness. So both sides are conveniently trying to sweep the whole situation under the rug by blaming it on some random people…]]
Wait wait wait…are you saying this is all some stupid chance thing..?

I mean, I expected some level of absurdity but still.


Of all people in Ingracia right now, the ones singled out as scapegoats were US?

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