Short story: The bane of history 6.

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The light in the room steadily grew darker as the sun that illuminated it sank into the horizon. Static shadows extended from similarly static objects.

We were all still like inanimate objects.

Did this guy really know who Guy is all this time?

[[King Emrys of Farmenas. Widely known for his wisdom and shrewdness, he has been dubbed as the ruler of thought by the continent. It is said that he possesses the largest amount of knowledge in the current era, aside from the demon lords.]]

"You're more impressive than I thought." Guy spoke after minutes of being frozen. I had given him the information I received from Ciel.

"You flatter me. Despite knowing your excellency, I have no idea who the one beside you is."

Again, silence.

He...he knows Guy but doesn't know me....

I was never one to care about popularity, but I couldn't be blamed when Guy was giving me the most satisfied looking smirk I've ever seen.

"Look Rimuru, he says you're 'unknown'."

".." I decided to remain silent and ignore the obvious provocation.

[[I hate to seem like I'm taking his side, but in all fairness, you do the same to him all the time. It's part of who you both are.]]

That was pretty pathetic of me, I can't believe I made Ciel attempt to console me.

"You don't have to know me, just complete your end of the deal." I told Emrys in a dismissive tone.

He nodded in response.

"I wouldn't dare to cheat a primordial. I learnt of the existence of them from what others called mad ramblings. It was in the journals of the King of the beginning, Youm."

I see. Youm had passed on not too long after we merged with the shadows of history, so his own people think he was crazy huh.

"You'd do well to treat Rimuru with more importance than you do me, take it as advice." Guy warned the king, his reasons for doing so were unclear to me.

"You treat them as an equal, I can't imagine underestimating them." And as expected, the old man was wise.

"I assume that both of you have no intention of staying here, as you leave I'd like to make some effort towards my side of the deal." What's he talking about?

At that moment the door flew open and standing there was the culprit, Damaris.

I knew she was coming, and my observations told me that Emrys did too.

"Step away from....the....king?"

She seemed confused when she saw everything was okay, poor girl.

"Damaris, you'll accompany these two from now on. Don't ask unnecessary questions."

Ah, that's what he was getting at.

"What...?" I can't imagine how confusing it must feel to become a companion of people you just treated as criminals.


I looked at Guy who looked like he just finished a delicious snack.


I walked slowly towards Damaris, placed a hand on her shoulder then smiled.

"Looking forward to working with you." I said in the nicest tone I could muster.

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